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18 July 2011

Monthsary with CFS, IIUM

السلام عليكم

Close eyes, Open eyes (pejam, celik) today is my monthsary with Centre of Foundation Studies, IIUM Petaling Jaya. Others usually will post about their new life at their new college like a few days or a week after being there. But, it took me a whole MONTH just to prepare all the stuff I wanna post. (Sebenarnya, tak sempat nak post, haihh)

A gentle reminder, PLEASE have lots of time before reading this post cause it may contain lots of reading content that maybe time-consuming ;)

A whole month journey will be squish in a post. Thus, it will be divided into chapters (pehh, systematic :P)

Registration (18/6/2011)

At first, I thought I will be the only SSPian that will join UIA as a second intake student. Ramai la jugak budak SSP kat UIA th for the first batch. Before coming to UIA, I had contacted Kelly who had been very helpful giving infos about UIA. Thanks dear :)

It turns out that Miranad and Yaya would also be registering here too. Izzatil pown ada sekali. I was quite shocked to see her coz from what I heard she's in Taylor's doing pre-med. Then, she said that she couldn't handle medic and  opt for econs at UIA and now is at Nilai Campus.

Kelly had told me earlier to ask for Mahallah Khadijah room 216, which is soo near to her own room. I thought, why not? Boleh lepak2 ngan Kelly. When I got my room key, it's room 216A! Mann, how I was happy. Tak mintak lagi ngan officer th, dah dpt the room that I wanted. Yeayyy!

While waiting for our matrix card (it's an ATM Bank Muamalat card with our face on it), I chatted with a few new friends. They asked, "Mahallah mane?". I was reluctant to answer, "Jap, nak check kunci balek semula". "Ohh, Mahallah Zainab Jahsyi" =___=' Beriyer ingat same Mahallah Khadijah dengan Kelly, rupanya lain. Haihhh.


Here in CFS IIUM Petaling Jaya, there is 6 Mahallah or Hostel. Two Mahallah for gurls (Khadijah and Zainab) and 4 Mahallah for guys (Umar, Abu Bakar, Aisyah and Fatimah). You must be wondering, Hanie nh salah type ke? Aisyah and Fatimah Mahallah for boys? Yupp. They said the name was there on the building alooong time ago, so they wanna keep it. Sentimental value laarr.

You know whattt? We gurls can go into the guys Mahallah while the guys can go into gurls Mahallah!!! *Gaspssss!!! 

Memang la kena masuk, kalau tak macam mana nak belajar? You guess it right. We have classes at the Groundfloor of the Mahallah. As for me, I have Arabic Class in ABC (Abu Bakar College, kewll kan?)

Most of the gurls mesti nak daftar kat Mahallah Khadijah, KC (Khadijah College) sebab ade lift. Pfff! Stakat lift je. Kalau lift rosak? Muahahahah. *Dengki XD   FYI, KC has about 9 floors and a few wings. It was said that KC back then WAS a hospital building. You can actually feel the eerie feeling when entering a hospital, when entering  KC. 

Kalau kat ZC (Zainab College), bestttt! Facilities semua senang. Every floor ade TV Astro (yang diboikot cerita Korea, and Juvana mlm Isnin.hahha). Washing machine pown every floor, jemur baju kat every floor. Ade kafe besar dekat ground floor. Badminton court pown ada. Big Musolla at groundfloor and small Musolla at every floor.


Alhamdulillah, I got a room on the 2nd floor. Tapi itu pown semput nak angkat barangnya, takde lift la kate kan -.-'

A room is for 4 person, beza dengan KMB hanya 2 orang. Saiz bilik lebih kurang sama. I got only two roomates, Aini from Maahad Muar and Atikah form MRSM Balik Pulau. I must say that Aini is my first Maahad friend while Atikah is my 2nd MRSM friend.

Again, Alhamdulillah. We get along preettty fine. My first night sleep in CFS was horrible! Panas gle! Did I mention my bed is a double decker? Panasss. The next night, we slept on the floor. Weeee~ 

Tapi our room best cause dekat gle dengan toilet, PALING dekat dengan toilet. 

A bit different is u know, u expect UIA to have Jemaah prayer at all times but NO. Welcome to the real world. It still depends on u, urself whether u want it or not. No one is here to force u to join solat jemaah. No one to check whether u pergi surau macam kat sekolah dulu2. Jangan harap. SEMUA dengan initiatif sendiri yea.


This is Uni life kott! NO more la menjamu makanan yang terhidang di atas meja/beratur amek nasi kat kaunter. Sekarang semua kena beli sendiri. Really have to know how to manage ur money. Only buy the one that u NEED, not that u WANT. 

The food at kafe ZC was not that bad. Kafe A; paling murah, worth it beli kat sana.

Kafe ZC ade Nasi Goreng Tsunami. Kafe A ade Nasi Goreng UIA. Terbaeekk! XD

Kafe ZC ade Yong Tau Foo, Mee Hot Plate, Chicken Chop, Fish 'n' Chip, Nasi Ayam dan Apam Balik. Macam-macam ada  :)

Pasar Malam

Every Tuesday, just around da corner. I mean really, the pasar malam is just around da corner. We were very excited for our first time outing there. Yelah, kat sekolah dulu pergi bazaar ramadan kat Putrajaya sanaa, naik bas jugak. Ini kali, naik kaki saja.

One of the specialties there (orang cakap la) is Char Kuey Tiaow. Mehh, lama gilaa tunggu. Kesian la si Yaya menunggu, muka benggang gilaa >:(

Orientation Week

Nahh, our orientation was not even a week. It should be Orientation Days! Seriously, still ade orientation jugak -.-' Beriyer la saya ingat for the 2nd intake ini takde orientation; ada juga laa. Beriyer la ingatkan tak payah pakai tudung taaruf a.k.a. tudung labuhhh; kena pakai jugak -.-'

But, the best part of our Orientation Days is the longgg boring talks were cut down to short but still boring talks :P Imagine the 2 hours talk as the 1st intake heard was shorten to 5 minutes for the 2nd intake. That's a relief :)) We finished our Orientation Days by Sunday after singing the IIUMMM song and reciting our student oath enthusiastically.


We had 4 tests.

1. English Placement Test (EPT); consist of MCQs and Writing task. You will get higher marks when u scored more for writing. Bear in mind, the test is nothing like SPM; HARDER! With all the ayat berbelit-belit, fuhh! Cuak gle bile tengok budak sebelah tulis essay panjang gle! Pehh! (essay about agreement, facts not the 'love story' yang boleh tules 4-5 pages)

2. Arabic Placement Test (APT); yeah. Memang target nak exempted English and to get level 2 for Arabic, so that dapat buat foundation for 1 1/2 years sahaja. Sekali tengok soalan. (Hantuk kepala atas meja) SUSAHHH GILAAA!!! Tengok tajuk essay pown dah tak faham -____________-' Bak perbandingan susahnya soalan itu seperti budak Form 1 menjawab soalan Chemistry Form 5, susahkan?

3. Fundamental Knowledge Test (FKT); alah, senang saja kan? Macam jawab soalan PAI, soalan PAFA je. NOT! It was horrifying when I turn to the first page for the first question; Ape ke halnya soalan dye dalam BAHASA INGGERIS. 'This is an English speaking campus.' Opps! Saya terlupa. Of coz la soalan dalam BI. Syukur la ade glosari kat belakang, membantu la juga.

4. Tilawah Entrance Test (TET); haih. Entah kenapa nervous sangat baca depan Ustaz th -_-'


Alhamdulillah, I was exempted for English but unfortunately I got level 1 for Arabic. Yeah, my roomate yang jawab soalan essay Arabic pown dapat level 2. Rupa-rupanya for sciences programme only 1 or 2 years sahaja; NO 1 1/2 years yea, it's only for non-sciences prog. 

I must finished my foundation for 2 years. I was devastated. Cehh, mula-mula boleh tahan macho lagi. All iz well konon. Sekali bila call Mama meleleh T-T Memang rase time th better masuk KMB, same je 2 tahun. Masuk UIA pown sebab target bolah buat 1 1/2 years je. Time th budak KMB tak register lg, sempat je nak masuk KMB time th :/ 


For this sem I'm taking Biology, Chemistry and Arabic je. Yup, JE. Max subject per day is TWO. Syukur sangat exempted English, coz English classes yang buat jadual pack. Tapi English classes jugak yang best sebab agak fun jugak :)

My first class in CFS is Chemistry class. Alhamdulillah my classmates were very friendly. My first step into the class, I felt a breeze of friendliness. Dah la time th cuak kalau2 tersalah kelas. People, dat really helps; THANK YOU.

For Biology, my class had started learning Chapter 4 already. I missed out Chapter 1, 2 and 3. And on my third day here was my 1st QUIZ of Chap 1 and 2. All our tutorial, quizzes@tests, assignments, lab reports and mid sem's result are add up to our final sem's result :S

Arabic classes are fun. We have two classes per week, 3 hours per class. It's just about the same thing learnt in high school for PMR level. The only difference is in school u learn it so u get high marks for exams for a better ranking. Here, u study it for the sake of studying. We just need to NOT FAIL; [pass la]  our Arabic test and it won't affect our pointer :)

Alhamdulillah, the lecturers here are VERY, VERY helpful. Banyak consultation classes for us the 2nd intake and even for the 1st intake themselves. Thank you Madam and Sir.

Lab COOL gle! Dah la ade air-cond. Ade lift. WAJIB pakai lab coat. Perrrgh! Semat (smart) gle! semua orang ;)

Free Time

Before having our own time table and getting all the tests result, life was gray, dull. Semua orang pown busy pergi kelas. We 2nd intake nh, menonong (am not sure if this word exist in Kamus Dewan Bahasa, pardon) je ke sana-sini.

Memang we had been very restless. Memang tidur saja. Memang life time th, tunggu masuk waktu solat, solat then tidur semula.

Malam-malam, tengok movie kat laptop. We watched 3 Idiots (for me it's my 4th time watching), Hantu Kak Limah and last but not least; Drag Me To Hell. Memang kami je yang paling BISING kat ZC. Orang lain senyap je study, kterg nh terjerit-jerit tengok cter psycho.hahaha


Heheheh. Kami every weekend boleh balik. Kalau Jumaat takde kelas, Khamis dah boleh balek with permission of coz. 

Overnight system here is soooo much different from SSP, dats for sure. Balik UIA semula pown before 10pm beb! How cool is that???!?! Yelah, dah dulu the only traffic jam kat Cyberjaya is when student are coming back to school from overnight approximately at 5.50pm ;)

Dress Code

For the gurls, we are only allowed to wear baju kurung and jubah to classes with dark coloured shoes. We must wear our matrix card during the office hour. Aren't allowed to wear any shawl, selendang or attractive tudung. Skin socks wajib eh.hahah (Atikah knows what I am rambling about)

Ehh, kterg pown ade spot check yerr. Check apa? Check dress code, check bilik, check electrical items dah bayar ke belum.


Alhamdulillah, we ate every together at my room. Beramai-ramai buka puasa or having dinner. They are Yaya, Miranad, Insyi, Aini, Tikah and Aiman.


It is next week people! Need to study, need to stay focus.

Seriously I miss the time studying during prep, sekarang kan takde prep. It's a good thing that we had experience living in hectic a boarding school, at least u know how managed ur time efficiently.

What I really miss is the life in SSP, all gurls. Besttt kott. Fun gle.

What I really, really miss is my dearest PIPAH, NABILAH, SARAH and NADIA <3

Semoga Allah 
mempermudahkan segala urusan kita semua. 
Berikanlah kami 
kefahaman para Nabi-Mu, 
hafalan para Rasul-Mu 
dan ilham para Malaikat yang hampir dengan-Mu. 
Pics later yeah? Internet slow la :(

1 comment:

  1. alololololo...sweetnye lahi..but seyesly, pasal solat jemaah tuhhh... mmg kene ad kesedaran sendiri.. kat sini pon same... well buat kawan baru bnyk2..


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