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4D3N Chiang Mai trip :)

السلام عليكم Below is the itinerary for our 4D3N Muslim family trip to Chiang Mai last May 2016. We had a private local driver/tour gu...

31 March 2012

How to?

السلام عليكم

Find the Cause, Find the Cure, Purify the Heart

Only three steps.
Seems easy eh?
We'll see how.
Wassalam :)

25 March 2012

SMAC 2012

السلام عليكم

Sports and Martial Arts Carnival (SMAC) 2012 was held at CFS, IIUM. Sorry I don't have much details.

What I do know is that I had joined the opening ceremony last Wednesday, 21st March 2012. I was quite interested to come and watch because I have a few friends going to perform that night. But then, I felt a bit malas and plan too study Physics instead. (what a nerd huh?)

Then, while I was having dinner with roomies, got a call from Kelly saying that Azima (our batch-mate from SSP) is coming all the way from Gombak campus. The thing is, Kelly got quiz the next day and the others didn't have the time privilege to accompany Azima around the campus. So, okay then. Hanie was free and made up her mind to attend the opening ceremony :)

Met Azima at Ali Bistro with Shy (SSP) and Atikah (roomie, non-SSP.hihi). There, we're literally the only girls in the bistro. What do we care about the boys. We found a spot, and did what SSPians do best; borak.hahaha

Azima told us that once, at Gombak campus, someone asked her, "Eh, Azima. Kau vice headgirl SSP eh?" No, Azima wasn't. She burst out laughing when she heard it. I wonder who was SSP's vice headgirl? :P

Anyway, after dinner, we headed to the field. Oh, by the way. I didn't know that the ceremony was in the field. I thought it was at the hall -.-'

We had bunch of fun. The two of us, and the other girls around us. There were the march by the martial arts and later the demonstrations. It was actually a competition between them.

My friend, Syida was in the Karate Do team. Mann, I missed Karate. I had join it back when I was in school. She and her friends had broke a one each plank with their bare hand. (Wow!) Did you know that when you broke plank, it is equivalent to break someone's nose?! :O

The last performance was from the Capoeira group. Capoeira is a martial arts that combines music and dance. That time, the field was chock-a-block with people wanting to see the performance. I mean, it's not an everyday scenery to see someone Capoeira-ing. My friend, Amy just joined the team last sem and can now do all those Cartwheel, Bridge, and other things that a gymnast could do. How cool is that?!

Capoeira; a bit of music, dance and defense.

Lepak-ing with Azima realy brings back the fond memories back in SSP. Ohh, those time was out of this world! I miss hanging out with the girls, screaming our hearts out while watching performance, attending to the events at school; Talent Night, Hari Koku, MAC, Sports' Day, Teachers' Day, and of course everyday we have in SSP. Sigh. Those day definitely aren't coming again, sobs :'(

Bila dekat UIA sangat
berbeza dengan kat SSP dulu.
Dulu, boleh terpekik-pekik
 sampai hilang suara,
very unlady-like -.-'
Sekarang, lebih sopan yea?hahha
Wassalam :)

24 March 2012

Press the Pressure.

السلام عليكم

Early of this semester, I had been quite stressed out due to the fact that my new classmates are super pandai. I tend to downgrade myself and doesn't truly believe in myself :(

I think that I told everyone, again and again that my classmates are super pandai, right?hihii.

So, I told this one friend who has special throne in my heart.

Immediately, she responded:

 "Why bother about others? Just study for yourself. Untuk impress diri sendiri, Not to impress others. That's the way" ;)

Yeah, she's absolutely right! Nothing to argue with that.

And, one day, I personally asked a very intelligent classmate on IM. I told him what I told everyone else. 

He responded:

"Itu semua mindset je"

Two words: So True. 

Conclusion: Need to revise myself first before revising the books, agree? :D

Kita harus cuba memperbaiki diri
 dengan melakukan sesuatu itu
 niat kerana Allah. 
P.S. Thanks Darl.
 Really appreciate your words
 though you dah ngatok time tu.huhu
Praying that Allah will cherish you with
 blissfulness and greatest health.
Be strong Darl!
Wassalam :)

20 March 2012

Bila result SPM keluar?

السلام عليكم

Tarikh result SPM sememangnya berubah-berubah. Tapi selalunya bulan Mac la.  Tahun 2011, 23 Mac. Tahun 2012, 21 Mac.

Bila result SPM keluar, kita kena buat refleksi diri. Think back of what we had done. 

Cukupkah usaha aku? 
Ada tak aku buat salah dengan orang? 
Had I asked for their forgiveness? 
Ada tak kita buat dosa dengan Allah? 
Ada tak dosa yang MUNGKIN menjadi penghalang kejayaan kita? 
Adakah kita telah menjalankan amanah yang telah diberikan oleh Allah (secara langsung atau tidak langsung) dengan sempurna?

Tips aku kepada adik-adik yang bakal ambil keputusan SPM esok atau tahun depan atau pun tahun-tahun akan datang ialah untuk bertawakkal kepada-Nya. We as a Muslim have to be grateful that we have Allah that we can rely on. Sesungguhnya "Allah tidak akan membebani seseorang itu kecuali dengan kesanggupannya" Al-Baqarah, 286.

Bila result SPM keluar, kita dapat result hebat! Mantap! Excellent! Straight A+! Gambar keluar dalam surat khabar pegang slip SPM! Got interviewed for local newspaper!

Pertama sekali ialah bersyukur. Sentiasa ingat bahawa ini ialah anugerah daripada Allah. Just a small gift from Allah. Mungkin akan terlintas di fikiran, 
"Ini semua sebab aku belajar sampai lewat malam/burning midnight oil" 
"Yalah, aku kan dah baca Yaasin everynight. Mesti la dapat straight As" 
"Aku tak pernah tinggal solat hajat malam-malam, dengan solat tahjud sekali taw!"
"Mak Bapak aku dah bayarkan yuran tuisyen mahal-mahal, (walau pun kadang-kadang aku ponteng) mesti la boleh dapat A terkangkang!" 
"Cikgu dah banyak bagi latihan tambahan, aku pun dah banyak buat latihan dalam buku Contoh soalan peperiksaan/Past years questions" 
"Soalan spot/bocor tu betol laa!" 
"Program mentor-menti banyak membantu"

Ya, apa yang di atas MUNGKIN jawapan yang tepat kenapa kita telah berjaya. Namun, pernahkah anda terfikir 
SIAPAKAH yang memberikan kita kekuatan dan kesihatan untuk menjawab soalan tambahan tersebut? 
SIAPAKAH yang memberikan rezeki kepada ibu bapa kita untuk bayar pusat tuisyen? 
SIAPAKAH yang mengurniakan keikhlasan kepada kita untuk menunaikan solat hajat/solat tahjud itu? 
SIAPAKAN yang telah membenarkan kita untuk menjawab kertas soalan itu? 
SIAPAKAH yang telah memutuskan untuk menghadiahkam kita satu hari lagi untuk ambil result SPM di sekolah (atau call je)?
SIAPAKAH yang telah menganugerahkan result yang gempak itu?

Jawapan bocor: ALLAH

Bila result SPM keluar, kita dapat result teruk. Kita mungkin akan kata,

"Ya Allah, habes la aku kena hentam teruk dengan mak aku lepas ni" 
"Menyesai aku tak belajar betul-betul, dok tido' je kat klaih, dok maen Counter Strike sampai tengah malam buta" 
"Menyesalnya aku ragging junior dulu, mesti dia doa bukan-bukan untuk aku, nak kena budak ni!" 
"Ni mesti sebab aku tiru jawapan budak sebelah aku hari tu. Jawapan dia salah!"
"Aku memang tak layak dapat A. Aku dah belajar banyak mana pun tak boleh dapat A.huhuu T_T"
"Biarlah. Bukannya I nak sangat dapat A tu. Apa I kisah. My parents kaya-raya, loaded sangattt! They can support my education overseas, okay?"
"Aku kena sabar. Ini semua dugaan Allah. Mungkin rezeki aku di tempat lain, di lain masa. Aku harus bersyukur dengan segala nikmat-Nya" :)

Bila result SPM keluar, kita tak dapat result yang kita idam-idamkan atau dah impikan sejak Form 1 lagi. Kita mungkin nak 9 A+ tapi dapat 8 A+ dan 1 A je. JE yea.

Allah berfirman: "Boleh jadi kamu membenci sesuatu padahal ia amat baik bagimu, 
dan boleh jadi pula kamu menyukai sesuatu, 
padahal ia amat buruk bagimu, Allah mengetahui sedang kamu tidak mengetahui.”
Surah Al-Baqarah ayat 216

Been there. Done that. But maybe, not over it yet.

Just to share my own experience. I didn't actually got a result that I was expected. I felt that I deserved better result. Even prove said I deserved what I wanted. But somehow Allah just won't let me have it.

At first I was patient enough and being very redha. I know He knows the best. I keep telling that to myself. Allah MAHA MENGETAHUI. Maybe due to iman yang semakin berkurangan, I gathered my guts and asked Allah blatantly. 

"Why ALLAH? WHY?" with tears came rolling down smoothly from my eyes.
"Kenapa YA ALLAH? Kenapa Kau buat begini kepadaku? Apakah hikmahnya YA ALLAH? Bantulah hamba-Mu yang lemah ini untuk terima kenyataan. Tunjukkanlah kepadaku Ya Allah! Kenapa orang lain boleh dapat? Kenapa aku tak boleh dapat macam tu? Kau tak sayangkan aku ke YA ALLAH?" with tears came gushing from my puffy eyes. "Aku rasa aku layak, aku mampu! Kenapa kau tak bagi kepadaku YA ALLAH? Kenapa kau bagi kepada orang lain yang aku rasa tidak layak langsung! Aku faham. Sesungguhnya Engkau lah Tuhanku yang Maha Mengetahui, Maha Pengasih, Maha Penyayang, dan lagi Maha Pengampun. Kau ampunilah dosa hamba-Mu yang kadang kala alpa akan perancangan Kau yang sangat teratur itu" and I fell asleep with dry stream of tears accompanying me.

Hope the girls can do much better than us. Aminn :)

It took lots of guts to say it out loud
 and let people know your inner pain.
Yes, we can conceal it
 with smiles and laughter.
Solely for sharing. 
Segala keburukan ialah daripada saya sendiri,
yang baik itu daripada Allah Taala.
Wassalam :)

Oyy gerammm nyaaah!

السلام عليكم

Sememangnya ini satu dugaan. Tatkala saya ingin menulis sebuah lagi buah fikiran, tiba-tiba daku lihat rupa blog yang hodoh! 

Saya tidak tahu apa yang telah berlakau, tetapi rupa 'template blogger' sudah berubah. 'Sidebar' blog sudah berubah!

Ohh, tidak. Rasanya saya baru tidur pukul 4 pagi untuk mengubah-ubah kod.

 sebahagian daripada iman.
 mi goreng yang sedang saya makan ini
Wassalam :)

17 March 2012

Jubah is My New Uniform ;)

السلام عليكم

Jubah is my new love. I love wearing jubah! It is super easy!

Especially during the times that I was being sooo lazy to get into a proper attire (which happens a lot of time.hehs) 

While wearing your t-shirt and colourful seluar tidur you can just sarung your jubah and wahlaa, your done! You can now go and buy dinner downstairs and get your tummy filled :D

Remember, just one step! SARUNG!

In brown jubah, right.

In purple jubah, right.

In turquoise jubah, left.

Oh yes! When we go to classes/lectures, it is compulsory to wear baju kurung or jubah with tudung of course. Plain tudung without patterns. We CAN'T wear casual blouses or checkered shirt or jeans as other institutions might do. I prefer it this way, lebih sopan. You are going to gain knowledge, not going shopping or something.huhuu

It is okay for me as I am used to wear baju kurung to prep back in SSP. No harm. Tak panas pon pakai baju kurung. Wangi je.hahah

Before entering SSP, the only time to wear baju kurung would be during Hari Raya or majlis orang kahwin or kenduri-kendara. In SSP, it had become a norm to wear baju kurung as we wore it everyday to preparation class.

But then, jubah is such a new thing for me. My mom has a lot of jubah that were bought from Saudi, most of it. But she rarely wears it because she prefer baju kurung to work. So, she let me wear her jubahs to class in UIA. Thank youuu Mama <3

Here in UIA, we have a rule that you have to wear either baju kurung or jubah to go out/in the campus. I kalau balik campus memang sarung jubah je la. Jubah dah jadi macam baju outing.hahha Senang taw! Selesa pon ya.

It reminds me about the days back in school where we have to wear this yellow shirt whenever we go out of school or when coming in. When people saw us, they will say, "Eh, budak Digi!" Fine, tahu la baju kuning, tapi tak payah nak Digi sangat la kan -.-'

Baju outing SSP

We can consider ourselves lucky because our outing outfit is a t-shirt. Other schools' outing outfit is usually baju batik. I can't imagine ironing baju batik every time I wanna go out +____+

For this post, I wanted to add a picture of our baju outing. Tried to find in Facebook album. None. Friends' album, none. I mean, mentang-mentang dah habes sekolah, gambar baju outing pon takda.hahah (My gambar baju outing in the CDs. Malas nak ambil)

So, how did I find one? Such a easy trick. What's the purpose you have juniors in your friends list right? Muahahahaa. Thank you for the picture :P

Surah Al-Azhab, Ayyah 59
"Wahai Nabi,
  katakanlah kepada isteri-isterimu,
 anak-anak perempuanmu dan perempuan-perempuan beriman;
 melabuhkan pakaiannya bagi menutup seluruh tubuhnya (semasa mereka keluar),
 cara itu lebih mudah untuk mereka
 dikenali (sebagai  perempuan baik).
 Dan ingatlah,
 Allah adalah Maha Pengampun lagi Maha Penyayang."
Wassalam :)

10 March 2012

End of teen.

السلام عليكم

Another sleep at 4 AM in the morning produced another look for Hanie's bloggie ;) I just can't help myself from  changing the look of this blog. I'm amaze to some people who can devote themselves to the same design. It's good because your follower will recognize your blog better.

If you can see at the tab, there's still a marquee <scrolling texts> of (writer. blogger. human.) right? The thing is, I can't locate back the code to delete it :( But, it's okay. At least I have a reminder to be a great WRITER who writes knowledge that are worth sharing, a BLOGGER who is technology savvy and creative in designing, and a HUMAN who will be useful to the mankind, insyaAllah.

Today, I'm officially 19 years and 5 days old, and still counting. I only have a few hundred days left to be a teenager. After this, I'm no more a teenager. After this I'm going to jump into a pool of adulthood, diving into the age  -ty, leaving the -teen forever :(

It is such an unutterably feeling being a 19. 

When I turned 18 last year, unimaginable thought came to my mind. I told my friend, "Aina, aku nak kahwin". I really want to get married. No, I don't have any calon okay. It was actually a reflect because I was such a  scaredy-cat to face the outside world, too aghast to be out from school, my comfort zone. Thinking that marriage is the only solution =.='

The milisecond I turn 19, I quickly exclaimed, "Aku TAK NAK kahwin!". Tak nak kahwin lagi.hihii There's so much I need to explore. So many things to discover. So many things to do; get a degree, be an honorable doctor, go to Paris, perform umrah, and belajar masak?hahah :D

So, what had actually happened on my birthday?

I celebrated with my family earlier on Saturday as my birthday falls on Monday, the day of Arabic exam. We went for a dinner at Restoran Nelayan, Titiwangsa and later went back to my house to eat the cake. I had bought an ice cream cake called; Choc Oreo ice cream cake by Pistachio. It was delicious and I bought it myself using my pay when I was working a few months ago. What's the purpose having money if it is not to be shared right? :)

I still have balloons for my birthday PARTAAAY!

19th and ice cream birthday cake :)

A few gifts from the dear family:

Picture frame, dress and jacket, Nose purse & pocket money ;)

After everybody went home safely, Nabilah turned 19. (She's a day older than me) Happy birthday dear, May Allah bless you and guide you to the right path with the people you love. We borak-borak a little and it also happens that her birthday cake was also an ice cream cake! What a March-birthday-cake coincidence.hahah However, she has TWO cakes. I only have one :) <Next year I plan to devour the Baskin Robbin's XD>

Power of Giving VS Power of Receiving. I always believe GIVERS win. I imply it to myself and ordered a few cupcakes for my friends. I had actually spent a few long hours trying to get ideas what designs I wanted. I ended up wanting simple & sweet Honey Bee, Flower Bouquet, Cute Faces and 19th sprinkles cupcakes. 

Look at them! A-DO-RA-BLE!

A part from saying thank you with a lovely smile,  they will ask, "Hanie, hang buat sendiri ka?" Ya Allah, of course la TAKK! My baking skills are yet to be polished. Nevertheless, the cupcakes were delicious! Very buttery and the sweetness was near to perfection, just nice. All my friends complimented saying SEDAAAAP! Nak order cupcake? (HERE)

Here are a few of my ex-classmates. From top-left, bottom-left; Akmal, Nina, 'Izzah, Syahirah, Ayuz, Maryam, Midah & Fara :)

Current classmates, girls and boys;

Girls: *Farhani (TGB), Adibah (TKC), Me, Syahidah (Kedah), Asila (Maktab Pasir Salak). Me, Amy (Bangi), Batrisya (Sarawak) & Sakinah.

Boys: *Faiz (Saser), Afiq (Selangor), Syahir, *Arif (Maktab Taiping), Aizat, Fikhri, Azril (Transkrian), *Hawari (Maktab Taiping), *Hafizi (KSAH), Amirul (Muar), Zaki (Johor) & Crouching: Izham (Saser)

The one with (*) obtained 4 flat last sem :)

Anyway, the record for 19th:

The first one to wish was KELLY! Bravo! (On the phone)

Subsequently, my roomies and and jiran depan.

I got 4 miss calls by Nabilah. Poor her. She tried to be the first one to wish but UIA's clock reached 12AM first.hehe

Then, a called from UTP; Nadiaaaa :D

Got the first birthday text from Zuheir! Followed by Paan, Hamman, Miranad, Shahmi, Pipaah, Syahirah, & Naim.

Got more than 200 birthday wishes on Facebook.

Dah pukul 11.58 PM dah. Seriously nak merajuk gila dengan orang tu. Fine la tak ingat birthday orang. Nampak je online tadi, tapi tak wish pon. Fine. Fine.Fine laaa.

Sekali call jugak!hahah Nak jadi orang last la kononnya.haha Thanks AINA FARZANA :D

Sorry if I had bored you with this long details. I just want to remember the day. Hope you enjoyed it :) I didn't get any surprise party, not that I expect one. It doesn't really matter pon. Everybody was so busy preparing for the exam, including me. Still, I got a few smear of cupcakes cream on my face -.-' Credits to Yaya and Farhana.

I should be
 really, really grateful that I turn 19
 in the greatest health and still in iman.
Syukran jazilan.
 Thank you all for the wish and prayers.
May Allah bless you all
Wassalam :)

04 March 2012

Atok's :)

السلام عليكم

On the 29th February 2012, we celebrated Atok's 72nd birthday.

It's a pity for them who was born on 29th February, don't you agree? They just got to celebrate it 4 years once. But then, when there's 29th February that year, celebrate sakan la :D

I still have my SSP notebook ;)

Speech.hihii :P

Anyway, during Atok's birthday, I had delivered a surprised speech for him on behalf of the cucu-cucu.  It was planned by my granduncle. He called me at 5 pm and I only started to write the speech at 6.30 pm and the function was at 8 pm. 

And, it has been ages since I last gave my speech in front of other people. Gulp! Just thinking of the enormous amount of spectators making me nervous. Plus, the lack of preparation and confidence made me wanna back out.

However, thinking about my beloved grandpa and everyone else, I just go with the flow and just have fun! Fun is important and start with Bismillahirahmanirahim :)

Cool la jugak bagi speech itu. At least my cousins gave me confidence. Thanks yaww!

This week I'm having study week leave. During this leave, we're supposed to study. What did I study? Nothing. Lagha je banyak. Ish. Ish. Ish. Astaghfirullahalazim. 

Exam schedule;

Monday: Arab
Tuesday: None
Wednesday: None
Thursday: BTQ and Physics :S
Friday: Mathematics 1 :O

You know what? Last weekend, I didn't go back home. Hebat kan? I really focus to study because I had prepared myself to 'relax' during the study leave. Muahahahha :D

I hope I'll do well. Do pray for me okay? I'll work hard and smart and hopefully the prayers will be granted, InsyaAllah :)

By the way, 
TODAY: Hanie Farhana
 is 18 years old and 355 days :P
One day left.hihiii
Wassalam :)
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