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4D3N Chiang Mai trip :)

السلام عليكم Below is the itinerary for our 4D3N Muslim family trip to Chiang Mai last May 2016. We had a private local driver/tour gu...

11 February 2011

IRIIE 2011

Place where it all happened, at the CAC, IIUM. Our booth was so spacious and was located kat ceruk penjuru blakang luar hall, tepi tangga.
Only us on 1st day :)
On the 1st day, tak ramai sgt org yg dtg. Tp ade la gak groups of students yg dtg. Nevertheless, 2 movie telah berjaya ditonton. 1. Eat, Pray, Love ngan NABILAH 2. 27 Dresses ngan NABILAH n ABG WAN. Pastu bantai cter Running Man ngan NABILAH, ABG WAN n HAZIQ. Chopstick n pen patah. Hahahaha.
2nd day, Alif dtg to teman me. Haa, hri nh rmai skit yg jage exhibition. And, rmai gak foreigners yg dtg booth kterg. It was so cool to see how org besar2 pown thrill nak maen reaction time.
Ohh, yea. Kat bawah tangge ade Cyber café di mana kami update facebook dan kami mereka update drama TIRAMISU.huhu
Discovered that klu canister CO2 meletup kat tangan xsaket. Yup, bende meletup kat tgn sy.
Semashur’s dis year F1 team (Hbat kn? Dyorg dah ade team dah) came to meet the sifu spe lg klu bkan HAZIQ. Ya Allah, mamat nh membebel pnjg lebaaaaaar kat dyorg. Kterg sempat borak2 and discovered dat ABG WAN and NABILAH went to the same primary school. And guess wut? CG. HAZMAN (SDAR’S F1 Tchr) and I also went to the same primary school; SEK. REN. TAMAN MELAWATI (1)-dulu skola nh no 1 kat Malaysia. Bangge gle.hahaha
We’re going to invent really great F1 juniors and F1 engineers kot, kot la.
SDAR sent two of their F1 juniors, dan mereka telah dibuli. Yelah, kami dah lame takde juniors, ble lg.hahaha.
Group of Form1 from some school from Bangsar (Their tchrs yg suggest to them to come to IIUM, gle bgus. Semua kerana ingin anak murid mereka belajar sesuatu yg baru dan boleh dikongsikan dgn rakan yg laen di sekolah. Ini yg kte maw!) They were very eager to hear our presentation bout dis whole thing. Siap tny lg if they can join join da competiton dis year. Too bad they were only 13 and you hv to be 16 to join. They were crushed but replied, “Never mind, we hv 3 years to prepare then.” Gle bersemangat la. And dis one Indian boy told us dat he really wanted to become a F1 engineer. Patut la he knows all bout the wind tunnel, tyres, engines, etc. Bgus nye!!!
NABILAH came to help me out. (only on Wed coz Thurs she’s working. Upahnye, dye dpat mkn nasi arab@nasi Bukhari@nasi Bukhara dan jus tembikai bwh tangga) As we all knew, NABILAH worked at Petrosains. So, she taught me some tips on explaining to people. So, yeah. I did some innovation on how to present to people. Ask questions, “What do you think?”, “Nice guess, try again,”, etc. Thanx to NABILAH and her frens kat Petrosains. Btw, my Mama mcm bg hint je nk bg kje blek kat Petrosains. Waduh2. Tgk la mcm mne nnt. NABILAH n IZHAM, nnt ak join korg kot!!!!!
'SMART' gle.
I think the MOE kne bwat innovation psal name skola la. So dat takde la org tanye, “Awak dulu blaja kat SDAR la? Stu kelas ngan HAZIQ?”. They asked the same question to me n NABILAH. Obviously la kterg (P) bkan (L). So, klu ade jantina murid after name skola, Eg. SDAR (L) org takkan konfius, stuju tak? Hahahha.
Selain mempamerkan dan mempromosikan F1 in Schools, kami juga akan mempamerkan wajah-wajah kami di kaca televisyen tidak lama lagi. (Walaupun Izham pakai bju KEDUT.hahaha) Kami telah dijemput untuk menjadi pelakon tambahan, di mana kami ‘dipaksa’ berborak-borak  di meja yg ade ‘MERIAM?’ (bkan meriam la tp windtunnel, ade ke ptut?). Mula2 HAZIQ was voted to be interviewed. Pstu the producer want him and me too to be interviewed. Haa, th benefits ko jd da only perempuan tyme th. Tp kan, RTM th shoot LAME GLE! Kterg yg berlakon ‘borak2’ nh mengomel psl perut kami yg kelaparan. Dyorg start shooting pkul 11am smpai pkul 2pm lebih. FYI, kterg pown xtaw bila kterg akn on air. Producer th ckp bout tyme blan April nnt kot, tp xtaw la. Tak kesah la, jnji kluar tv.haahaha
In a nutshell, the exhibition was a HUGE success. Sekalung apresiasi kepada:
  • Haziq yg ajak kterg join (dye la BOSS)
  •  Abg Wan who was very helpful
  • To my DAD, coz transport kn brg
  • Nabilah
  • Shahmi
  • Izham
  • Izz
  • Aiman
  • Firdaus
  • Cg. Hazman
  • Alif
  • Abg nazrin (duhh, jgn lupe dye)
New FACT: bdak f1 suke tiramisu. HAZIQ, BLANJE LA TIRAMISU!!! :D

yummy tiramisu~

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