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4D3N Chiang Mai trip :)

السلام عليكم Below is the itinerary for our 4D3N Muslim family trip to Chiang Mai last May 2016. We had a private local driver/tour gu...

30 November 2011

Terbit Fajar//Breaking Dawn :]

السلام عليكم

Weee :D

Me is back in blog. Rasa macam dah lama tak kunjung bloggie tersayang. Rinduuu.huhuuu *Pelik eh rindu blog?hehs.

BTW, last weekend I went to Kuantan, accompanying my Mom to a meeting there. But then, I didn't go pon to the meeting. I pergi TENGOK BREAKING DAWN KAT KUANTAN. Jauh kan? HAHAA.

Ni pon si Nina lah yang ajak. Tengok kat GSC @Berjaya Megamall or as orang Kuantan said @Mega. I stayed kat M.S. Garden hotel which is located next to Mega. So, aku memang jalan kaki je gi 'date' ngan Nina :)

Yaww, best kot! I LOVE Edward and Bella's the forest theme wedding, very earthy, jungle-ly.

Hanging white flowers, the ferns and white flowers
Towards the end of the movie, Nina and I were like confused, "Bella hidup ke mati? Hidup kan? Kenapa macam mati?" Menyesal tak pernah baca buku -.-' Tak taw apa yang jadi -.-'

OK, confession. 

Saya, Hanie Farhana, tak pernah menonton any Twilight Movies (or even read the books). Nasib baik, saya baru tengok Twilight minggu lepas di laptop saya selepas meng'copy'nya dari kawan saya. Saya tahu ini ialah satu kesalahan yang BESAR bagi peminat Twilight kerana saya dah skip movies kan? Tolong maafkan saya. Sekian, terima kasih.

Pastu I baca newspaper. Baru tahu yang actually they had cut some of the scenes in the movie. WHAATTTT?!?! Patut la macam tiba-tiba dah bangun pagi, tiba-tiba baby dah lahir. Grrrr... Haa, sapa dah download movie, nak copy please.heheh Thankssss! :D

I'll tell more about my One Night Kuantan trip later eh? Forgot to bring the memory card to office. Broadband pulak tak bayar lagi. Hehehee.

Me, shoot LOTS of photos using Mr. Grey kat Kuantan. Miss Nina pon ajar guna Manual Focus i.e. VERY HELPFUL. Baru la gambar boleh gempak bro! Huhuuu. Tapi takda gempak sangat. Namun, ada lah juga yang cantik bagiku. Tunggu yah hasilnya. Kasi suspens sikit. Muahahaaa XD

Sebab aku rindu bloggie, pergi lah ziarah dye kat blogger. Then, "Ohh, ada '1 comment for moderation'". Dalam hati, "Ni mesti Nabilah. Nabilah je yang rajin comment post aku". Thank you Nabilah!!!

Lepas th, Ya Allah. Memang terkejuttzz gila lah aku. Haa, cuba teka sapa yang comment? No other the gifted, talented, awe-inspiring photographer Bro Mohd Razali. ^o^

I mean, among all people, he commented my post! I am truly honored. Rasa nak jerit thrill yang amat sangat!

Aku macam bewildered. Among millions blog in the world, how come he found my blog? Yelah, maybe sebab I linked a few pages of him. Pastu he tracked me la kot. 

Moreover, he even gave me a piece of advice which touched my heart and urge me to do better in photography. Photography is not that simple. It needs practice, patience and hard work. But, most of all you have too huge interest in it and have fun! 

But then, siapa tak thrill your idol drop by in your blog, siap comment lagi kan? HAHA.

Hi Hanie. Thanks for your kind words. Keep on exploring Mr. Grey. In times, you'll be amaze how stunning you can capture the moment. Till then, see ya! -Razali

 really made my day.
A zillion thanks to 
Abg Mohd Razali.
May Allah bless you,
do hang on for my latest pics yah?
Wassalam :)

23 November 2011


السلام عليكم

Okayyy. Who knows what is B2B? Put your hands up! -2PM :D

Gambar hiasan :)
"I know. It's easy laa., B2B is Business-to-Business." 
"Boring-to-Boring bleh gak" -.-'

Worait. B2B is actuall Bride-2-be. Wicked aite?

I found a blog while I was hovering in the net, belong to a B2B. By this second, she's now happily married. Awwwh :')

Aku baru tahu ada this kind of blog in the net. Cool kottt! Bagi aku cool la sebab they can share stories of how they prepared for their wedding. Ehh, nak kahwin susah kot. Nak kena book dewan setahun awal. Nak budget tetamu, beli souvenir, cari photographer, khemah la, katering la, macam-macam laa.

Boleh cari ideas. Share information. And also save money taw. Why jimat duit? Because, you all tak payah susah payah beli majalah-majalah pengantin. Baca je blog Puans tu :)

And, aku suka that their wedding are not like old-fashioned zaman dulu kala, zaman Hang Tuah and Hang Li Po. However, the traditional elements are still preserved. Ada lah unsur-unsur kemelayuan dan kesopanan yang diselitkan dengan unsur kemodenan.

Benda la aku merepek ni +_+

Let's check out their B2B bloggie <3

Kak Rai's (Macam dia th kakak aku je.hehe) Click HERE. Her blog title pon cute; BitBitterButter. Plus, she's so adorable kot. Comel :)

Then, there's Kak Sarah's Click HERE. I like her blog. She gave really useful advises to the B2B. That link will lead you the wedding invitation card. Click HERE pulak. for other superb designs. Obviously, I want my own wedding card to look something like that.huhuuu *dreamy eyes ~.~

Magically, I arrived to the land of  wonderful; wonderful, romantic pictures *dreamy eyes again ~.~

It's the Abang Mohd Razali's blog. He's actually a wedding photographer who shoot AWE-SOME wedding pictures (Not only weddings taw). His technique pon MANTOP, and really creative. Really wish I can captured the photos just like him or at least something like his.

Dah tengok dah? LAWA GILA KOT GAMBAR DIA SNAP! Anak dia, Amsyar pon comel. Rasa nak Boo-Chak! je dengan baby tu :))

I've try la some of the tricks 
using my Mr. Grey.
not bad taw.
Takda la pedih mata tengok.
kalau nak di'compare' dengan the photographer mentioned,
jauh Bumi daripada Matahari -.-'
Need to work harder Honey dear <3
Wassalam :)


السلام عليكم

Concerned when one of his most reliable workers doesn’t show up, the boss calls the employee’s home. The phone is answered by a giggling child.
“Is your dad home?” the boss asks. 
“May I speak to him?” 
“Well, can I speak to your mom?” 
“No. She’s with the policeman.” 
Alarmed, the boss says, “Gosh. Well then, may I speak with the policeman?”
“No. He’s busy talking to the man in the helicopter that’s bringing in the search team.”
“My Lord!” says the boss, now really worried. “What are they searching for?” 
“Me,” the kid chortles.

#Joke :D

Number 5.

السلام عليكم

Two buddies were watching the game when one turned to his friend and said,

“You won’t believe it. All last night I kept dreaming of a horse and the number five. So I went to the track, put $500 on the fifth horse in the fifth race, and you won’t believe what happened.”

“Did he win?” 
“Nah,” the guy said. “He came in fifth.”

#Joke :D

22 November 2011

Apaaa?!! Nak Kahwin Awal!

السلام عليكم

Isu kahwin awal ni dah jadi quite a topik hangat bila borak-borak dengan my friends. Contohnya, my roomate's friend yang baru je tunang hari tu. Then, my friend's friend baru je kahwin dengan abang kawan dia sendiri. 

Then, ada my besties' friend's friend yang baru kahwin dengan a 40+ years old guy. *Gasps! and Gulp! right? Diorang tanya lah whether dia kena paksa ke kahwin dengan that guy? Sebab the girl pon ada boyfriend sendiri. (The girl is 18 macam kita-kita nh) The girl cakap, "Taklah". She solat istikarah and all, and felt it was the right decision. Dah selamat diijab kabul pon.

So, saya terpanggil untuk share this piece of article posted by a friend in Fb. Enjoy and learn! :D

Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda: 
Tiga perkara yang jangan dilambat-lambatkan, iaitu 
solat apabila telah masuk waktunya, jenazah apabila telah siap (urusan mandi dan kafan) dan anak gadis setelah ditemui (pasangan) yang sesuai untuknya. (H.R. Tirmidzi)

Kahwin awal bukan satu masalah. Mari lihat persoalan-persoalan yang selalu menerjah di kepala anak-anak muda yang fitrahnya terhalang atas sebab-sebab tertentu.

1. Kahwin waktu masih belajar, adakah tidak mengganggu pelajaran?

Siapa cakap kahwin waktu sedang belajar mengganggu? Salah tanggapan tu. Sepatutnya, kahwin awal lebih memberi kita semangat yang membara. Yelah, sudah ada pasangan yang halal dan akan sentiasa menyokong kita, mesti la lagi bersemangat mau belajar kan? 

Lagi satu, orang yang sudah kahwin ni akan berasa lebih bertanggungjawab dari sebelum kahwin. Sebab mereka tahu bahawa mereka punya pasangan untuk dijaga, jadi mereka pun akan berusaha untuk buat yang terbaik bagi pasangan mereka. Apa-apa pun, tengok ibu bapa kita saja sebagai contoh. Sudah kahwin, tapi adakah mengganggu kerja mereka? Tidak kan?

2. Saya masih belajar, macam mana mahu bagi nafkah pada isteri kalau belum ada kerja?

Saya tahu ramai antara kita yang masih belajar, dan ramai yang meminjam dapat elaun biasiswa. Saya beranggapan pasangan yang ingin dikahwini jugak masih study Jadi ia bermakna dua-dua masih dapat hidup dengan wang yang asas tu.
Jadi, sementara masih belum ada kerja, suami berilah nafkah yang termampu kepada isteri. Mungkin RM25 atau RM50 sebulan? Bergantung kepada berapa banyak isteri gunakan untuk makan. Lagipun, isteri jugak ada wang, jadi tak perlu rasa ada masalah di situ. Yang penting dua-dua masih dapat hidup. Lain la kalau isteri demand kereta, rumah, rantai emas, Blackbery, iPad 2, baju berlambak-lambak, dan macam-macam lagi. Jadi, sepatutnya tiada masalah dalam bab nafkah. 

LOL. Gambar hiasan :)
Cuba kita tengok orang Arab zaman Nabi dulu. Adakah kebanyakan daripada mereka orang berharta? Tidak. Mereka cuma mampu memberi isteri makan makanan setakat yang mereka mampu beri. Itu pun sudah mencukupi untuk dijadikan nafkah. Nabi tak larang pun orang miskin berkahwin. Jangan jadikan kekurangan wang sebagai penghalang perkahwinan. Itu namanya menyalahkan takdir Allah. Berdosa.

Firman Allah: 
Dan kahwinkanlah orang-orang bujang (lelaki dan perempuan) dari kalangan kamu, 
dan orang-orang yang soleh dari hamba-hamba kamu, lelaki dan perempuan. 
Jika mereka miskin, Allah akan memberikan kekayaan kepada mereka dari limpah kurniaNya kerana 
Allah Maha Luas (rahmatNya dan limpah kurniaNya), lagi Maha Mengetahui. (An-Nur:32)

3. Macam mana mahu cari modal untuk majlis perkahwinan?

Apa perkara asas dalam kahwin? Ya, akad nikah dan walimatul urus. Merisik dan bertunang tu bukan wajib pun. Jadi, potong kos seperti bagi hantaran waktu merisik dan bertunang, sudah jimat wang. Waktu akad nikah pun, jemputlah keluarga terdekat dengan kawan-kawan saja yang dapat datang. Berdosa bila tidak menghadiri jemputan walimatul urus. Jadi, jimat sikit kos kenduri. Buang wang saja sewa pelamin, sewa baju pengantin, sewa jurukamera dengan mak andam semua tu kerana ia termasuk dalam hal-hal yang sia-sia. Mas kahwin pun tidak perlu tinggi-tinggi kerana sebaik-baik magar adalah yang paling rendah. Mudah saja majlis perkahwinan dalam agama Islam. Tidak sampai puluhan ribu pun.

Sabda Rasulullah s.a.w: 

Tiga golongan yang akan selalu diberi pertolongan oleh Allah ialah 
seorang mujahid yang selalu memperjuangkan agama Allah s.w.t, seorang penulis yang selalu memberi penawar dan seorang yang menikah demi menjaga kehormatan dirinya. (H.R. Thabrani)

4. Tidak terlalu awalkah untuk saya berkahwin?

Kalau rasa dengan kahwin boleh buat semangat untuk belajar semakin meningkat, kahwin la. Kalau rasa kahwin boleh buat diri semakin bersemangat dalam agama, kahwin la. Kalau rasa kahwin boleh elak daripada fitnah dan maksiat, kahwin la. Itu maksudnya, kahwin memang perlu di usia muda. Benda yang baik, jangan dilambatkan. Takut kelak bertukar menjadi benda yang tidak baik. 

Cuba bayangkan anda ada pasangan yang disukai. Kan bagus kita cepatkan benda yang baik dengan berkahwin terus. Tapi kalau kita melambatkan perkahwinan yang bagus itu, mungkin kita akan terjerumus ke lembah maksiat. Kenapa kita boleh beralasan untuk melakukan perkara yang halal, tetapi tidak langsung mengemukakan alasan untuk melakukan perkara yang haram? Tanya diri, jagalah iman.

Sabda Rasulullah s.a.w: 

Apabila datang kepadamu seorang laki-laki untuk meminang, yang engkau redha terhadap agama dan akhlaknya, maka nikahkanlah dia. Bila tidak engkau lakukan maka akan terjadi fitnah di muka bumi dan akan timbul kerosakan yang merata di muka bumi. (H.R. Tirmidzi dan Ahmad)

5. Bersediakah saya untuk kahwin awal?

Ini soalan paling bagus ditanya kepada diri sendiri. Tanya dulu soalan asas ni. Sudahkah saya solat penuh 5 kali sehari semalam? Bertanggungjawab sudahkah saya? Adakah saya panas baran atau penyabar? Adakah saya seorang yang bercakap menggunakan akal atau bertindak menggunakan akal di lutut? 

Pendek kata, ada banyak soalan spesifik yang boleh ditanya kepada diri sendiri. Walau apa pun jawapan dia, ini nasihat saya. Sentiasalah perbaiki diri dan mantapkan diri. Orang yang sudah berkahwin dan sedang belajar solat lebih baik berbanding orang yang sudah kahwin dan pandai solat tapi tidak amalkannya lepas kahwin. Orang yang bersedia mengubah dirinya adalah yang paling bersedia sebenarnya.

6. Macam mana dengan restu ibu bapa?

Ya, ini la benda paling susah bila mahu kahwin awal. Faktor penghalang paling utama. Kalau kita dapat menjelaskan dengan baik kepada ibu bapa dan mereka faham, insyaAllah tiada masalah untuk berkahwin awal. Tapi kalau ibu bapa kita susah mahu terima sebab fikiran mereka masih terikat dengan fikiran tipikal masyarakat Melayu sekarang ni yang lebih terpengaruh kepada adat dan cerekarama di tv semata-mata, serta pemikiran risau akan tak cukup wang nak sara anak dara orang, sudah tentu mereka tidak akan terima setiap hujah yang diberikan seperti di atas. 

Apa-apa pun, saya doakan yang terbaik untuk mereka yang mahu kahwin awal supaya cepat bertemu jodoh. Ingat, bila seseorang itu berkahwin kerana ingin mengikut sunnah Rasulullah, maka terbukalah segala pintu rezeki untuknya. Lihat, betapa banyaknya kelebihan kahwin awal. Fikiran kita yang sempit saja membuatkan kahwin ni nampak terlalu susah sangat.

Umar bin al-Khattab r.a telah berkata: 

Kahwinkanlah anak-anak kamu apabila sampai baligh, janganlah kamu menanggung dosa-dosa mereka. 
(Disebut oleh Ibnu Jauzi dalam Ahkam An-Nisa)

Nasihat saya untuk golongan-golongan yang sedang hangat bercinta tu, sebaiknya kahwinlah awal. Lebih banyak kelebihan kahwin awal berbanding kahwin lambat. Tapi semua itu pilihan masing-masing juga. Mudah-mudahan setiap pilihan yang kita buat adalah yang terbaik dan dirahmati Allah. InsyaAllah.

Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda: 

Siapa yang benci dengan cara hidup (sunnah) ku maka dia tidak termasuk golonganku. 
(H.R. Bukhari dan Muslim) 

kawan korang sorang ni, masih BELUM berkahwin 
bercadang untuk berkahwin dalam masa terdekat.
Kalau masa yang jauh-jauh  maybe laa.
Wee, baru delete background bloggie.
Sekarang blog aku ni macam suci gilaa.heh
Take care!
Wassalam :)


السلام عليكم

Well, tengok tajuk pon dah tahu pasal apa kan?

Semalam dah la balik dari ofis lambat, so dinner pon agak lambat. (Perut dah berkeroncong masuk angin dah.hahaa)

Siap-siap urus diri semua terus terpacak depan TV pukul 8.20 malam. Buat apa? Untuk menyaksikan perlawanan akhir bola sepak sukan SEA ke-26 yang bakal mencipta satu sejarah agung, untuk merangkul pingat EMAS.

Sebelum start perlawanan th memang aku dah seram sejuk; NERVOUS. Tangan aku beku beb! Kalah nervous macam aku nak SPM dulu-dulu, last year je pon. HAHAAA.

Minit awal je si Gunawan dah menjaringkan gol first Garuda. Aku terus HILANG selera makan. Serious, mak aku panggil makan pon aku cakap, "TAK NAK". Lauk kari ayam favourite aku pon aku tak lalu makan, mengenangkan nasib pasukan kesayangan kita itu.

Namun, aku tak putus harapan, terus menyokong, dan menyokong hingga saat akhir...

Sekali, amek kaw!!! Cun seyh masa si Asrarudin Putra golkan bola guna kepala dia dengan merebahkan badan. GEMPAKKK siottt!!! Itu baru ultimate gol! :D

So, sekarang sama, 1-1. Baru lega sikit. Dah start lapar balik. Tapi tak sanggup nak gi dapur amek nasi. Aku pon tunggu la sampai habis masa pertama.

Sayang, memang sayang. Banyak peluang Malaysia yang terhilang begitu saja. Memang this match was an epic laa.

Aku rasa aku tengok bola tu sampai sesak nafas. Jantung berdegup kencang. Memang tabikk springgg! kat pemain handalan, Harimau Muda sebab dapat mengawal bola dan emosi dengan SANGAT BAIK. Stamina diorang pon hebat bai. Kalau aku lari satu padang for 100 minit lebih memang pengsan x_x

Kini, aku dah pandai sikit la tengok bola. Kalau dulu, "Haa? Offside tu ape? Kad Kuning tu bwat ape?". Even sekarang dah boleh cam players walaupun dari kaca televisyen je. <Still musykil macam mana sports presenter macam Abu Bakar Atan boleh mengulas satu permainan itu dengan HEBAT sekali :)>

Aku dah boleh kenal si tinggi tegap Fakri Saarani. Dah kenal Asrarudin Putra Omar yang lampai. Dari jauh mengasihani si Kapten pasukan, Baddrol Bakhtiar yang kena asak lebih 7 kali (Aku kira kott). Dah kenal dah rambut si Nazmi Faiz Mansor. Dah ingat jersi 18 milik Syahrul Azwari. Si Fadhli, Guru, Irfan, Fandi, Yong, Thamil, Zubir, Mahali. And of course si hebat Muslim. Siapa tak kenal si 'tangan emas', Khairul Fahmi Che Mat dengan bulu keningnya yang garang itu kan? :)

Messi who?
Rodney who?
Alonso who? (Fernando Alonso F1 lorh. Ohh, a'ah. Hehhe)

There you have it. The legacy and glory of Harimau Malaya is know getting it's pride back! And I'm being grateful that I got the chance to experience the drama, the excitement, the adrenalin, the frustration and the winning of course.

Not to forget is the other GOLD MEDAL achiever, you guys had made Malaysians really, really proud :')

Tapi aku kasihan kat budak SPM yang nak tengok bola. Dugaan wahai adik-adikku.hahahaa ;D

This really shows that when you work hard, play hard in this context, you'll WIN it! Not that others didn't play that well. Dua-dua pasukan pon sama hebat. It's just that it was our sustenance, rezeki. Also in a way that Allah is telling, "Always show hospitality to your guest, instead of hostility". It was proven aite?

Even dalam hadis Rasulullah S.A.W,

“Barangsiapa yang beriman kepada Allah dan hari Akhirat maka hendaklah dia memuliakan tetamunya dan memberinya jaizahnya (memuliakan tetamu).

Bagi tadi masuk ofis, first thing to do was BACA SEMUA AKHBAR TENTANG KEMENANGAN PINGAT EMAS BOLA SEPAK tapi paper BM and English je la. Mandarin and Tamil, tak belajar lagi.hehh Hari ini pakai baju oren dengan tudung hitam; macam Harimau Malaya :)

By now, 
the Malaysian Footbal team (alah, yang dapat emas tu)
had safely arrived Malaysia.
match against Syria.
We're hoping for the best
Wassalam :)

21 November 2011

Recap dinner && 'Miami'

السلام عليكم

Reunion Dinner and Theater Musical

You maybe knew (through Fb) that my office had organized a reunion dinner and a theater musical on the 14th November 2011 (last Monday). I wouldn't say it was successful, because it wasn't. Nevertheless, it was enjoyable despite of the 'Thai flood' :]

People, it was raining cats and dogs and the dinner was held outdoor at the river side. Though there was canopies and all, but it had flood a little until it even submerged my 5-inch satin heels- S A D :( . The 'best' part was it flooded at the FOOD part! Specifically the Nasi Arab part where everybody was aiming to have a taste at. So ironic right?hahaha To have some Nasi Mandi with roasted lamb and a quarter of chicken, the alumni were willing to get across the 'mini flood'. Hebat.
My name, all over Malaysia. Muahahahaaa <Cik Hanie>
Alhamdulillah, the scrumptious and mouth-watering food really made up to the unexpected weather and conditions. Later was the Musical Theater . Obviously, I really miss acting and performing as we were at school. I really envy them. They got to get creative and stage a really wonderful story with a pinch of humor. Well done to Kak Kemat and the gang! :D

While sending invitations to MORE than 1276 alumni, I had develop a skill to type REUNION DINNER while closing my eyes. -.-' I even learn how to deal with the agent to advertise an advertisement like this;

Sunday outing with Nabilah

Telling you the truth, I sometimes forget how to smile and have fun. It could happen if you are always in front of the monitor for 8 hours per day, with only keyboard being pushed is heard. At home, I freshen up myself, get some dinner, watch 'My Princess' at 8.30 PM till 9.30 PM and by 10.30 PM I got sleepy and I'm done for the day. It's the same for the next day.

Nabilah: "Hanie, Nape ko senyap je?"

Ohh, a'ah laa. Baru aku perasan. Aku macam senyap sikit. Nothing to say kott.

Alhamdulillah, I was very greatful that Nabilah was there and to bring out the old happy-go-lucky me from the back of the closet, under the hand-stitched quilt. 

We talked all the way, changing stories, and missing our dearest friends (you know who you are <3)

I actually had a grin glued on my face and 'accidentally' smile to any one, and was in a good mood for the whole day :D

Food again was fantastic; 

Nachos, Buku Physics?!, Macaroons, Spaghetti Alfredo
We really felt like a kid again went we entered a really new store called 'Candylicious'. Ya Allah, rasa macam masuk Charlie's Chocolate factory. With all the colourful, wonderful, exciting candies, lollipops, sweets, chocolates and many more. Lain kali korang gi KLCC, pergi la 'Candylicious'. Tak beli pon takpe. Kalau nak beli, belikan untuk aku sekali. Thank you XD

We then go our separate ways though in the same LRT train (She; Keramat & Me; Sri Rampai). 

I'm taking this opportunity to 
for their final match against Indonesia,
tonight 8.30 PM
you can't play football if you have a broken leg right?hehe
Wassalam :)


السلام عليكم

On the 17th of November, I had 'gave birth' of a new bloggie named hanieindemandjr.blogspot.com, it would favor of being called FotoSpeak.

There, I exhibit pictures that meant something to me (and my experiments). Do loiter around there and tell me whaddaya think ;) -hope you like it :D

I still groping through buttons on how you guys can follow the new blog (I would really appreciate if you can follow it too.heheee). 

In the mean time, just click on the FotoSpeak. buttton under my huge black and white header and before the main body. 

There :)
AND, yesterday, after a wonderful outing at KLCC with Cik Nabilah, a cupid release and luuve arrow to me. Instantly, I had fell in love with a BROWN GUY named EOS 1100D. Later that evening, I went with my dear parents and Alif to take BROWN GUY in hand.

Tengah tuggu Nabilah pakai shawl :)
Sadly, the only brown was used as a display. It was me and the GREY GUY. Hey, 'he' wasn't bad at all. Even Mama cakap better grey daripada brown.

So yeah. It was set. Me and GREY GUY on the 20th November 2011 @  20.11.2011. Cun seyhh tarikh aku beli DSLR!!! HAHAHA.

Alhamdulillah, with the money I had collected (and not wasted to some new clothes), I had succesfuly bought my own DSLR; CANON EOS 1100D (grey). May everything went well till the end. InsyaAllah :)

First picture taken using my new DSLR was Alif's picture (as always). Aku rasa, semua kamera aku, gambar pertama mesti gambar Alif.hhaha :D

Other pictures taken using 
EOS 1100D 
can be seen in FotoSpeak.
and Facebook  XD
This piece of machine is the
thing I've ever bought for myself.
Proven: Sikit-sikt, Lama-lama jadi bukit.
Wassalam :)

17 November 2011

السلام عليكم

I got this on Facebook. It made me bring down a few tears. It's a miracle, MashaAllah.

"A Hug can save a life!" - Dr Jeff Mullan ....

Twin girls, Brielle and Kyrie, were born 12 weeks ahead of their due date. Needing intensive care, they were placed in separate incubators.

Kyrie began to gain weight and her health stabilized. But Brielle, born only 2 lbs (about 0.9 kg), had trouble breathing, heart problems and other complications. She was not expected to live.

Their nurse did everything she could to make Brielle’s health better, but nothing she did was helping her. With nothing else to do, their nurse went against hospital policy and decided to place both babies in the same incubator.

She left the twin girls to sleep and when she returned, she found a sight she could not believe. She called all the nurses and doctors and this is what they saw (refer to that picture ).

As Brielle got closer to her sister, Kyrie put her small little arm around her, as if to hug and support her sister. From that moment on, Brielle’s breathing and heart rate stabilized and her health became normal.

From then on, they decided to keep both babies together, because when they were together they kept each other alive...

Sniffs :')
I hope
 they survived till the end of their life
This is, one of the  reason
I want to be a doctor.
Wassalam :)

I've seen you, and I don't like you.

السلام عليكم

Can we dislike others when we barely know them? Whether we can or not, we still do it right?

That's sooo us; HUMAN.

BUT, we don't want to like that kind of HUMAN. We must be a lovely, lovable human who loves everything. Err, maybe just not everything lah. 

We must have a limit. Us, Muslims can't simply like violence/harassment/fraud/corruption/all-the-bad-stuffs right? Even if you are not a Muslim or do not have a specific belief, we still DON'T have to be a HUMAN who like those cruel, sickening, disgusting, irresponsible, injustice things, right?

I always believe that, when we're doing something good, always do it with a sweet SMILE :) Especially if you're doing it for other person's sake.

With a sour, long face adhered, you can't possibly doing something good right? It is just not right. A human will only have a long face when they are in a bad mood, or being force to do something they don't like.

I know this guy by the name. Seen him twice, from afar. Just know him like you know, 

"Ohh, his name is @$%&. He's the President of @#%@^"

Oh my! What a very high position he have! Meaning that he has the unsaid power that had to be use for the better ummah right?

And, yes. He was doing a very good job of listening to others and taking actions out of it - though the actions might be a tiny bit overboard. Still, he's actions was forgivable. He is actually doing something good right? Even though he was given the responsibility to advise others not to do it, but he did it so.

Nevertheless, he did something good. However, he did it with mighty haughty attitude. It was clearly seen on his face kott. 

Yes, I admit it. Perhaps I was being too mean to say things like that to him as I hardly know him, right?
Still, I'm standing firmly on my stand that when doing something good, do with with a smile. AND, he didn't.

Honey, maybe he was nervous. He is just another older boy and a younger adult who might do mistakes and having tons of things bouncing in his mind, and to smile, just slips out his mind.

Macam la kau tak pernah buat salah. Macam la kau tak pernah tak senyum :(

Betul th. But, I just can help myself from disliking him.

A few minutes ago, I contacted him - for office reason. And might have to collaborate with him for a few occasions later.

Allah is telling me that, "Honey, you can't judge him just in a couple blinks of an eye". Maybe he was not actually a flint-hearted guy. How come he had been elected as a President, if not of his good qualities and beaming smile. Who knows right? (I don't.) 

I know him from a different angle that made me dislike him. And that is not good. I need to apologize. Seriously, maybe this is a sign after all.

Hey, I learnt my lesson! As easy as that haa? *grinning from ear to ear :D

This a real story. 
This post was screened
 so that people
 do not know what HAD actually happened,
 and yet CAN understand
 and benefit from it. 
I hope so.
Be the nicest,
so people will be nicer.
Wassalam :)

15 November 2011

Berapa result kau?

السلام عليكم

OK. OK. Just realized something. I didn't share my First Semester result with you guys. Adooyy, lambat bangat kamu ini Hanie. Dah berkurun lamanya, baru nak bagi tahu ke? Sorry la.hehe Better late than never kan? XD

Yelah, result aku takde la gempakk mane nak dihebahkan kat satu Malaysia.

Sememangnya, result aku itu tak up to other people's expectation.

TAPI, memang up to my own expectation.

"Ohh, Hanie MESTI score 4 flat. Ambil dua subjek je, takkan tak boleh score 4 flat?"

YES, I agree. It seems impossible kalau dua subjek je tak boleh dapat A kan?
Macam, tipu gile la kalau tak dapat 4 flat.

But then, the environment is sooo different. Statement admin, "It is enough if you can score 3.5". First time aku dengar statement th, memang terkejut SANGAT! 

Yelah, kalau aku nak proceed Medic kat UIA nh memang kena score 3.5 and above. TAPI, 3.5 pun dah cukup?

Yeah, yeah, memang la dah cukup untuk budak Medic. TAPI, lain. 

Kat sekolah dulu mana ada pernah dengar statement macam th. It was always, 4FLAT. 4FLAT. 4FLAT. 4FLAT. 4FLAT.

Can you understand what I'm trying to convey? Dulu, our mind set was to ALWAYS get 4FLAT. Now,  tak payah 4FLAT pun tidak mengapa. 

It was some sort of confusion to me. Somehow they are telling me, go and finish up the delicious cupcakes. It is OK if you don't finish it. But you know that you are hungry and can savor all the cupcakes. And yet, the baker said, "Makan satu pun takpa". Somehow mesti rasa serba salahkan? Hmm, somehow rasa serba salah nak skor 4FLAT. Pelikkkk...

I think, abaikan saja perihal 4FLAT th. I've set my mind. No matter what other people said, I WANT TO ACHIEVE 4 FLAT! :O 

Bukan nak cakap apa la. Tapi aku mengalami satu pengalaman yang cukup asing bagi aku. Mula-mula masuk CFS, orang tanya la, "Awak course apa?". Secara spontannya, aku pun menjawab, "Medic". Pastu dengan cepatnya mereka balas, "Wooo/Waahh/Ohhhh". Tidak dilupakan ialah cara diorang pandang aku. Itu pun buat aku rasa aneh. Salah ke aku nak amek Medic? Reaksi mereka macam buat Medic th salah. Pelikkk...

Ke aku yang PELIK untuk diorang? HAHA. Biarlah. Asalkan aku bahagia, boleh jadi doktor. InsyaAllah :)

Kat CFS, aku ada seorang rival yang hebat. Mamat ni memang selalu tak puas hati dengan aku. Bila-bila aku online Fb, nanti dia tanya, "Berapa result kau?"

Serious, aku tak rapat pun ngan dia ni. Aku jumpa dia kat tepi Sungai Gadut. Err, tak. Aku kenal ngan dia time pergi open house kat rumah Danial Iman. Err, kterang tak tegur pun. Pastu tetiba borak-borak kat Fb. Dia tanya opinion aku pasal UIA. Tetiba aku pn masuk UIA. Tapi aku tak pernah jumpa dia kat CFS. 

Haa, maybe korang kenal kot si Fakhrul Aziz a.k.a. Mr. Dentist. Masalahnya markah Bio kterang asek-asek sama je kot. Bio je pun yang boleh compare. Sebab aku amek Chem, dia amek Maths. Siap la Fakhrul, lepas ni aku nak beat kau. Muahahahahha. *siap buat public announcement lagi.HAHA.

So, berapa result kau? Alhamdulillah, aku dapat 3.67. Both Bio and Chem A-. Entah pape kan? Bio th memang boleh expext la sebab SUSAH GILA. Most of my friends pun dapat A- gak, termasuk Fakhrul and Nina. Congrats korang :) Yang Chem th memang Final aku rasa aku dah nail it, tapi memang carrier mark aku rendah; slack kat quizzes. Apakan daya. Better luck next time kan Hanie? ;)

Still, ada jugak yang cakap. Kenapa tak 4FLAT? Dulu SEMBILAN SUBJEK, boleh handle. Ni DUA SUBJEK, payah beb.

You must understand, I've set my mind to be somewhere else. You don't have a micro, slight idea of what's happening in my mind. Though I look happy and cheery, that's just the cream of the cake. You don't know if the cake was burnt when it was bake, or whether the cake was accidentally made using salt instead of sweet sugar.

It was rock, concrete HARD. Yet, I still try, and try, though it was HARD.

I deserve some dozens of compliment right? Good job Hanie. Well done. I'm always here for you NO matter what. Congratulations!

Aku dulu time Form 1 pon takde la gempak mana pon. Time baru naik Form 4, lagi result macam entah pape je. Standard la, I'm trying to adjust myself. I'm no Playdough okay?

Nenek punya statement paling best. HAHAHAHA.
"Kalau Honey tak balik every week mesti semua A"
Errr, TAKKKK. Kalau tak balik every week lagi tak dapat A langsung. HAHA. (Honey dear, you ni macam tak biasa duduk kat asrama 5 tahun. Booo~)

OK. Baru rasa lega sikit bila orang lain tahu apa yang aku rasa, though maybe korang tak faham apa yang aku merapu kat sini. Nevertheless, only two words that I can say: THANK YOU.

 on the 15th of November 2011,
is the day I got my first pay check.
Thrill kotttt!
1K and still counting.
Wassalam :)

09 November 2011

Twin pairs.

السلام عليكم

Good day to all. What a fine day, today. While I was taking a stroll in the Internet, I bumped into a page.  Her name was www.writingforward.com

We greeted each other I got to meet her twins; i.e. and e.g. They seems identical but there are huge difference.

i.e. or iillud est or il est means that is.
On the other hand,
e.g. or exempli grati means for the sake of example.

Both of the 'twins'-words are originated from Latin. Let's see some examples.

I am writing, i.e., I am arranging my thoughts into words on paper.
I am writing, that is, I am arranging my thoughts into words on paper.

We need to consume healthy foods, e.g., green vegetables, to stay healthy.
We need to consume healthy foods, for example, green vegetables, to stay healthy.

See the difference? Yes, but how do I remember the difference?

It is better if you just remember one.

Some people pronounce example as "egg-zample" right?

egg-zample. e.g.

Got it?hehehe

Next, there's no different between fewer and less right? NO, there is.

FEWER: adjective. Of a smaller number.
  • It should be used when the items CAN be counted.
    • I have fewer handbags than her.

LESS: adjective. Smaller in size, amount, degree or etc.; not so large, great, or much.
  • It is used when the amount of something CANNOT be counted.
    • I have less interest in shopping than her.

That's all for now.
Hope you folks
 learnt something today eh?
What a very longgg holiday.
Better  utilize it to the max right?
Till then,
Wassalam :)

06 November 2011

Happy Eidul Adha :)

السلام عليكم

Hope everyone is in their best of health and being grateful that they had sacrificed something/anything.

Today, 10 of Zulhijjah 1432H as we know is the 'Feast of Sacrifice' or Aidil Adha or Hari Raya Korban or Hari Raya Haji. Semua pon samaa sajaa.

The past years, we will go and perform our solat sunat at the nearby mosque. This year, there's a slight different. We went to Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah Mosque or known as Masjid UIA.

IIUM Mosque

Full house
There were definitely lots of people going there. Tak sangka la ramai orang. But most of them are the foreign students with their family members. Melayu pon sangat minority, about 5% je.

I can see lots of colours. And, different outfits. Macam McFlurry M&M with melting dark chocolate (agak kurang relevan?).

It is really something different for me. They all wearing their multicolour traditional costumes which are quite different from us. For us, when we go for solat raya, we will wear our baju kurung, baju melayu. For them they wear jubah and abaya (Even <most> the guys wears jubah). 

Ada this PRETTY lady wore a VERY LAWA jubah. She wore a black jubah, obviously NOT the ordinary black jubah. This jubah yang memang vogue sangat. Dengan lengan kembang, sulam kat depan and belakang baju. Maybe certain people rasa jubah th macam over sikit, tapi memang LAWA. Orangnya pon LAWA, macam orang putih (tapi she's an arab). Handbag pon matching you. Lawa laa :)

Yang aku pelik sangat, ada pakai baju funky dress bercorak leopard and tiger pergi masjid. Tapi, diorang pakai la cardigan and jeans and shawl semua. Tapi macam nak pergi KLCC je. Ni pergi masjid kott. I don't know la, pakai la yang sopan sikit ke. Maybe kat negara diorang benda th normal. Kat sini agak bizarre skit laa. OR diorang memang nak gi KLCC after solat, who knows right? ;)

Diorang pon tak pakai telekung macam kita. Diorang kata pelik kita pakai telekung. 

Yang paling aku pelik is diorang time solat th boleh tarik-tarik anak diorng. Ohh, aku pernah la dengar orang cerita kat Mekah macam th. This was the first time aku tengok depan mata. Pelik gak la. Sah je sebenarnya, sebab th Mazhab diorang. 

Yang membuatkan aku kurang senang was diorang bising sangat kat Masjid tadi. Memang budak SSP yang bising kat surau pon sure terkejut GILA tengok situation th. Dah *shusssh! macam mana pon, memang tak jalan. Budak-budak pon main-main, buat bising. Orang dewasa tak payah cakap la, berborak macam nak Imam th dengar.

Memang aku shock! It was really something la. Beza sungguh dengan kat Masjid yang dikunjungi orang Melayu kita. Memang kalau ada orang buat bising macam th kat Masjid biasa memang sah la kena panahan pandangan tajam mak cik-mak cik kat saf depan th haa.

Tapi mungkin kelemahan aku, aku tak berani nak bangun and suruh orang senyap. Aku surrender. 

Aku masih terkejut dan amat bersyukur kerana aku dipilih oleh Allah untuk melihat mini situasi sebegini, seperti di Tanah Suci. At least, aku dapat persiapkan diriku sebelum ke sana, whenever it will be. InsyaAllah :)

Ohh, kutbah kat UIA  in 3 LANGUAGES; Arabic, English and Malay. Memang kebisingan kat tempat muslimat mengganggu konsentrasi untuk dengar kutbah. Haihhh. Aku usha, kat tempat lelaki tak bising pon, senyap je semua orang.

After that, pergi tengok siaran langsung rancangan 'Nasi Lemak Kopi O' di perkarangan Masjid. Ak pon duduk la kat meja yang disediakan untuk memenuhkan meja, biar nampak ramai.

Then, guess who I saw? Weeheheeeee.

None other than the rising actor; FIZO OMAR. In fact, handsome and tall.

Kali ini dapat ambil gambar eh. Boleh post kat Facebook and kat blog. HAHAA.

Baju matching la (jugak) Hahah.
Bagi yang tidak tahu, Fizo Omar ialah seorang pelakon Malaysia yang kini semakin terkenal menerusi drama bersiri 'Soffiya' di TV3 jam 7 malam, memegang watak sebagai Ilyas. Turut membintangi drama itu ialah Tiz Zaqiyah (Soffiya), Azhar Sulaiman (Kamal) dan Izara Aishah (Fiona).

Cerita th best la jugak. Layan petang-petang after balik ofis, after solat maghrib. 

Gambar ni baru amek pagi tadi. Time raya tadi,  kat semua orang aku tunjuk.hahha Bukan selalu dapat ambil gambar dengan artis kan? Semua jelez.hahha Even maid aku pon jelez. "Ohh, untungla dek Hanie dapat ambil gambar sama dia. Akak jelez la. Ilyas itu pacar akak.hahaha" joked Kak Mimin.

Kat Facebook, more than 20 people like the picture. Duhhh~ Of course la semua girls yang like. HAHA.

Kami (me and my Mom) borak-borak ngan dia. Ada la pasal something. Tak perlu diberitahu di sini. Tak penting pon. Just penting bagi dia je. He's a very nice guy la. Waittt! He even ask my Mom's phone number. *Gasps! And business card too.hehehee Ada kena mengena ngan UIA.

Ohh, raya BEST! Alhamdulillah, makan kenyang dan SEDAP! Itu yang penting. Aunty Mun masak Ayam Kuzi, Aunty Chah masak Itik golek, Kak Ida masak rendang ayam pencen, kari daging (Ya Allah, lembut gle daging th), dan dua lagi lauk yang aku tak tahu nama dye, tapi SEDAP. Who cares right? Janji perut kenyang, Alhamdulillah. 

Bersyukur, dan bersyukurlah
Fullstop (.)
Wassalam :)

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