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السلام عليكم Below is the itinerary for our 4D3N Muslim family trip to Chiang Mai last May 2016. We had a private local driver/tour gu...

15 November 2011

Berapa result kau?

السلام عليكم

OK. OK. Just realized something. I didn't share my First Semester result with you guys. Adooyy, lambat bangat kamu ini Hanie. Dah berkurun lamanya, baru nak bagi tahu ke? Sorry la.hehe Better late than never kan? XD

Yelah, result aku takde la gempakk mane nak dihebahkan kat satu Malaysia.

Sememangnya, result aku itu tak up to other people's expectation.

TAPI, memang up to my own expectation.

"Ohh, Hanie MESTI score 4 flat. Ambil dua subjek je, takkan tak boleh score 4 flat?"

YES, I agree. It seems impossible kalau dua subjek je tak boleh dapat A kan?
Macam, tipu gile la kalau tak dapat 4 flat.

But then, the environment is sooo different. Statement admin, "It is enough if you can score 3.5". First time aku dengar statement th, memang terkejut SANGAT! 

Yelah, kalau aku nak proceed Medic kat UIA nh memang kena score 3.5 and above. TAPI, 3.5 pun dah cukup?

Yeah, yeah, memang la dah cukup untuk budak Medic. TAPI, lain. 

Kat sekolah dulu mana ada pernah dengar statement macam th. It was always, 4FLAT. 4FLAT. 4FLAT. 4FLAT. 4FLAT.

Can you understand what I'm trying to convey? Dulu, our mind set was to ALWAYS get 4FLAT. Now,  tak payah 4FLAT pun tidak mengapa. 

It was some sort of confusion to me. Somehow they are telling me, go and finish up the delicious cupcakes. It is OK if you don't finish it. But you know that you are hungry and can savor all the cupcakes. And yet, the baker said, "Makan satu pun takpa". Somehow mesti rasa serba salahkan? Hmm, somehow rasa serba salah nak skor 4FLAT. Pelikkkk...

I think, abaikan saja perihal 4FLAT th. I've set my mind. No matter what other people said, I WANT TO ACHIEVE 4 FLAT! :O 

Bukan nak cakap apa la. Tapi aku mengalami satu pengalaman yang cukup asing bagi aku. Mula-mula masuk CFS, orang tanya la, "Awak course apa?". Secara spontannya, aku pun menjawab, "Medic". Pastu dengan cepatnya mereka balas, "Wooo/Waahh/Ohhhh". Tidak dilupakan ialah cara diorang pandang aku. Itu pun buat aku rasa aneh. Salah ke aku nak amek Medic? Reaksi mereka macam buat Medic th salah. Pelikkk...

Ke aku yang PELIK untuk diorang? HAHA. Biarlah. Asalkan aku bahagia, boleh jadi doktor. InsyaAllah :)

Kat CFS, aku ada seorang rival yang hebat. Mamat ni memang selalu tak puas hati dengan aku. Bila-bila aku online Fb, nanti dia tanya, "Berapa result kau?"

Serious, aku tak rapat pun ngan dia ni. Aku jumpa dia kat tepi Sungai Gadut. Err, tak. Aku kenal ngan dia time pergi open house kat rumah Danial Iman. Err, kterang tak tegur pun. Pastu tetiba borak-borak kat Fb. Dia tanya opinion aku pasal UIA. Tetiba aku pn masuk UIA. Tapi aku tak pernah jumpa dia kat CFS. 

Haa, maybe korang kenal kot si Fakhrul Aziz a.k.a. Mr. Dentist. Masalahnya markah Bio kterang asek-asek sama je kot. Bio je pun yang boleh compare. Sebab aku amek Chem, dia amek Maths. Siap la Fakhrul, lepas ni aku nak beat kau. Muahahahahha. *siap buat public announcement lagi.HAHA.

So, berapa result kau? Alhamdulillah, aku dapat 3.67. Both Bio and Chem A-. Entah pape kan? Bio th memang boleh expext la sebab SUSAH GILA. Most of my friends pun dapat A- gak, termasuk Fakhrul and Nina. Congrats korang :) Yang Chem th memang Final aku rasa aku dah nail it, tapi memang carrier mark aku rendah; slack kat quizzes. Apakan daya. Better luck next time kan Hanie? ;)

Still, ada jugak yang cakap. Kenapa tak 4FLAT? Dulu SEMBILAN SUBJEK, boleh handle. Ni DUA SUBJEK, payah beb.

You must understand, I've set my mind to be somewhere else. You don't have a micro, slight idea of what's happening in my mind. Though I look happy and cheery, that's just the cream of the cake. You don't know if the cake was burnt when it was bake, or whether the cake was accidentally made using salt instead of sweet sugar.

It was rock, concrete HARD. Yet, I still try, and try, though it was HARD.

I deserve some dozens of compliment right? Good job Hanie. Well done. I'm always here for you NO matter what. Congratulations!

Aku dulu time Form 1 pon takde la gempak mana pon. Time baru naik Form 4, lagi result macam entah pape je. Standard la, I'm trying to adjust myself. I'm no Playdough okay?

Nenek punya statement paling best. HAHAHAHA.
"Kalau Honey tak balik every week mesti semua A"
Errr, TAKKKK. Kalau tak balik every week lagi tak dapat A langsung. HAHA. (Honey dear, you ni macam tak biasa duduk kat asrama 5 tahun. Booo~)

OK. Baru rasa lega sikit bila orang lain tahu apa yang aku rasa, though maybe korang tak faham apa yang aku merapu kat sini. Nevertheless, only two words that I can say: THANK YOU.

 on the 15th of November 2011,
is the day I got my first pay check.
Thrill kotttt!
1K and still counting.
Wassalam :)

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