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4D3N Chiang Mai trip :)

السلام عليكم Below is the itinerary for our 4D3N Muslim family trip to Chiang Mai last May 2016. We had a private local driver/tour gu...

31 July 2012

Our lens :)

السلام عليكم

Last night, after the Karate training (YES, we still have our training in this month of Ramadhan) I had the opportunity to snap a few pictures of the karatekas a.k.a members of Karate.

I brought my Mr. Grey along as we will be having a major Iftar Jamaie on 6th August and I'm not going back this weekend. *Gasp!* Terkejutz?! Yalah, will be facing the mid sem exams next weekend. My, my, how time flies. Rasa macam baru je join this new group of doctors, dah nak mid sem. Tup, tap, tup, tap dah finals. Then new sem, then main campus!!! (Insya-Allah) Medical students-to-be ;)

Back to the story. After the raining, I was quite reluctant to take their picture, or even to removed the camera from my bag. I was shy. I was afraid if people thought I'm boasting that I have a DSLR. But then, my friends there was so sporting and that had elevated my excitement to take their pictures :)

Later, tried to take some pictures of my sensei, "Sensei, smile for the camera" :D He then approached me and we started talking about all this photography stuffs. Mostly, we talked about the latest, hot in the market picture-taking gadgets. I then asked him, "Sensei, what do you shoot the most?". He answered scenery. "WOW! Saya tak sampai tahap tu lagi la Sensei. Scenery is quite hard to capture. Ilmu tak cukup lagi". "You selalu ambil ganbar apa? He asked back. "Saya more into taking people's pictures and nature kot. Saya suka all this bunga-bunga, daun, insects".

C'mon la, I'm a nobody. Having Sensei talked to me (other than Karate stuffs) had made my day :)

One more thing, today we had our Iftar at the mosque. Such a new experience. Though I think the atmosphere was quite gloomy. Or is it just me because on our side, the pendaflour on the ceiling doesn't function :P At least the meal was free; Nasi Putih with Mutton Curry. Yummy! Kenyang dia lain macam, berkat makan yang disedekah di masjid :)

There are many things in life
 that catch your eyes,
 but only few catch you heart.
 Pursue them.
Wassalam :)

27 July 2012

Awak laa. Eh, awak laaa.

السلام عليكم

Pada suatu masa dahulu, ada sebuah kerajaan yang hidup aman dan damai.

Pemerintah negeri tersebut mendapat berita tentang musibah yang bakal melanda negeri mereka. Beliau pun mengarahkan penduduknya berkumpul di town hall.

"Wahai penduduk-penduduk yang saya hormati sekalian, kemarau akan melanda negeri kita. Oleh itu, saya menyarankan agar setiap keluarga agar mengisi sekurang-kurangnya secawan susu kambing ke dalam tempayan ini sebagai bekalan kita nanti".

Penduduk negeri itu pun isi lah tempayan itu.

Esoknya, pemerintah mengarah penduduk negeri itu untuk berkumpul sekali lagi di town hall. Pemerintah itu membuka tutup tempayan, mengambil secawan cecair yang telah ditakung lalu mencurahkannya ke lantai.

Yang telah dicurah hanyalah air kosong, bukan susu kambing. Terkejutlah penduduk-penduduk itu. 

Mereka pun mengaku bahawa mereka telah mengisi tempayan itu dengan air kosong. "Orang lain mesti isi dengan susu kambing, kalau aku isi dengan air kosong, tiada siapa yang tahu". Akhirnya, semua orang pun mengisi tempayan dengan air kosong kerana beranggapan bahawa si polan yang akan mengisinya dengan susu kambing.

Ibrahnya di sini, (ibrah=pengajaran) kita jangan terlalu berharap kepada orang lain. Kita sendiri yang harus menjalankan tanggungjawab kita. Walk the talk, and keep your words.

Based on tazkirah by ukti Aini Afifah. Syukran ya ukti :)

Wassalam :)

21 July 2012


السلام عليكم

This may sounds ridiculous: I'm having twin! Identical twin. Siamese twin. They looked alike, very much.

I named them Jeremy and Jenny. I called them JE-JE.

They sleep soundlessly on my face, left cheek. Very obvious. Humongous! Volcano-sized!

How on Earth did I have them? No idea. They just appeared, without a knock on the door. No particular reason. No exact reason. But everything happened for a reason aite? But me dunno. Me don't wanna know the reason. Let it be no reason, so that there'll be a reason for that reason. Stop reasoning.

Anyway, already had them for almost a week now. Most of my friends were quite shock to see them. They haven't seen lots of my twin or their siblings that often, that's why. 

Being a female, of course we'll be extra conscious about our appearance. And pimple, is by far, our WORST enemy.

When facing JE-JE problem, majority of us will use all this type of ointment to eliminate JE-JE, fast. As for me, I try to be cool about it and appreciate it. Appreciate JE-JE? Sounds crazy?

I wanna see and experience the natural healing process for JE-JE. Some  suggested to me to just picit the JE-JE. And end up wih scars? No, thank you.

I'm fully aware  that I'm bearing a week old of twin on my face. Sometimes I do feel a bit, just a tiny bit of annoyance. As mentioned earlier, my JE-JE is on the left side of my face. And, most of the time the guys in my class will be on the left side of the class. Meaning to say, they got the first rate view of my JE-JE. Kalau diorang usha aku, diorang nampak la. Tapi siapa nak usha aku? Aku ni nobody je. So, takda orang nampak. Yeaaayyy!

Even when wearing a bright colour hijab, I feel that it accentuate my JE-JE. Arrrgghh! Biarlah. Aku nak jugak pakai tudung ni. No JE-JE can stop me from wearing my favourite hijab :P

Something struck me. Have you ever thought why Allah created pimples? I have no idea why. However, my theory is that pimples help to remove unwanted subtance from your clogged pores. It may also be a sign of your monthlies is coming. Some also said that it is a sign that you are  in love. Errr, really?

JE-JE is nothing actually, if you don't make a huge fuss out of it. Eventually, it'll shrink and begone. You can apply this in your life. A problem can be like a pimple on your face. Let it be. Try to solve it. The most important thing is don't make it a reason to not be happy. You deserve to be happy :)

Happy Ramadhan to all.
 Ramadhan kareem, Allahu akram.
 Live life to the fullest.
 Wassalam :)

13 July 2012

Ikan di laut...

السلام عليكم

Seumur hidup ikan, ia hidup di lautan. Di lautan yang luas dan dalam. Di dalam air laut yang masin. 

Apabila ditangkap dan dimasak (tak kesah la digoreng ke, masak asam ke, masak kari ke), ikan itu rasanya tawar. Masak lauk pon kena tambah garam.

Tetapi, apabila ikan itu sudah mati dan direndam air masin, masin pula isi ikan itu. Dan jadilah ikan masin yag makan dengan sambal belacan. (Yummyyy!)

Betapa mudahnya garam itu menyerap masuk ke dalam ikan itu apabila ia telah mati. Sedangkan apabila ia hidup, seumur hidupnya di dalam air masin

Begitu juga hati kita. Jika hati kita hidup, selalu melakukan ibadah kepada Allah, susah anasir jahat nak mempengaruhi kita.

Jika hati kita mati, selalu lalai mengingati Allah, tentu senang sahaja diri kita dinodai kejahatan.

Hidupkanlah hati anda. Terangilah hati itu dengan cahaya rabbani-Nya :)

Wassalam :)

07 July 2012


السلام عليكم

Hmm, entah la? Serious ke? Seriously? Boleh ke? GILAA LAAA +.+

Itu antara ungkapan yang sering aku ujarkan akhir-akhir ini.

Aku sering mempersoalkan sesuatu.

Aku agak kecewa jugak dengan diri aku. *Mengeluh*

Aku mula perasan tabiat pelik  aku ini masa latihan Karate. Ohh, just nak bagi tahu. Aku dah convert. Nauzbillah, bukan convert agama tapi convert ajaran Karate. Dulu aku dah sampai green belt (second level) Goshin tapi dekat UIA hanya ada Shito-ryu. By joining Shito-ryu, I need to restart from the first belt, white. Yeah, I don't mind much. I left Karate so long that I think that I deserve to start from scratch.

Being a newcomer, Sensei (Master/Instructor) demand us to go through a set of training. He called it 'Body Conditioning'. We did all this routine to stretch our muscles, giving them a wake up call from their deep slumber, I supposed.

Sebelum melakukan rutin-rutin tersebut, Sensei akan melakukan demonstrasi bagaimana untuk melakukannya. Then, I would be, "Seriously? Boleh ke kita buat macam tu? Susah kot!". Orang di sekeliling aku, "Haaaaaah?!" je.

Tapi takda la nak complaint depan Sensei, hang gila ka?

So, we just shut our mouth and proceed with the routine. A confession here, I did mengelat a bit during the practice. You know, like finishing a bit early before I came to my finishing lines. This happened because I was so tired mannn! But then, everyone is tired too right? Haaiihh, selfish -.-'

Another day of practice appear. This time we got to practice some new routines with the Senpai (Seniors). It is clear that they are very familiar with it. They breezed through it so easily. As for us, it was like having to pass through the violent windstorm. Specificly, when Sensei asked us to do a clapping push-up.

It was just a normal push-ups. The only difference is when lowered your body and then raise back your body you have to clap your hand and then land back your hand on the floor. I barely can do a complete clapping push-ups. And as usual, before we start, I'll be blurting out the "Seriously? Serious ke?". 

The odd thing was the next day, when I was in my room with Fizah, fooling around and I tried to do the clapping push-ups. Guess what? I DID IT! BOLEH BUAAATTTT!!! I was shocked! I never thought I can do it! But I did! Like waaahhhhhhh XD 

I try reflecting myself. Why, oh why I can't do the clapping push-ups on the other night as I did just now?

One thing is for sure, I wasn't complaining or questioning myself before doing it. I just try it and did it!

Nampak permainannya di situ? It's all mind set.

I also noticed that recently I was having some troubles with my confidence, it was getting thinner. I think I know root of it but just let me try to solve it alone. I've never thought that that episode had vaporize my confidence so easily -.-'

Anyone got pills to boost up my confidence? Kalau ada pun bukan aku nak telan. You might know how much I hate pills.hahahhaha

Talking about medication, I was getting sick easier lately. Last week I had a fever. I think it was due to the demam urat when you strain your muscle too much. Manja gila badan aku ni, sikit je dh demam. So, grab a mug of water and Panadol Soluble. Aini suruh rehat je, "Tak payah la gi practice Karate". Being the stubborn me, I just ignore her advice and march out to the practice, at least I got to sweat. And the fever was gone, yeaayy! :D

Nevertheless, I still got another fever this week, right now. Trying to ignore the heavy head and flu. It's worse than last week's. I might  blame it to the wayward weather, or I might blame it to the poor antibody. Looking at the bright side, it's a way to delete my sins, insyaAllah :)

"I hated every minute of my training,
 but I said,
 "Don't quit.
 Suffer now
 and live the rest of your life
 as a champion"
-Muhammad Ali
Wassalam :)

01 July 2012

Pillow Talk ^.^

السلام عليكم

Pillow talk is a common thing for girls. So, in this post it is most probably more suitable for girls.

The pillow talk I'm going to tell you about is actually a talk we attended in the previous semester called 'Pillow Talk; Menses/Haid dan Istihadah". Know what? The talk was so santai and we were encouraged to bring our bantal busuk along.hihihii Even the madam who gave the speech was so cool and open-minded, very generous with knowledge that make us greedy for more.

Dear fellas, before I start to share anything just bear in mind that I'm no 'ustazah' here, just a normal human being who's hoping to be awarded a few eternal share in the hereafter, InsyaAllah :)

So, did you ever had the mixup mystification about menses? (GIRLS ONLY) Have you ever wonder whether can you trim your nails or cut your hair when you are menstruating?

It's not haram if you did, but it's not wajib to do it. We're not encourage to trim our nails or cut our hair when we're having our period. It's not wrong nor it's right.

Islam doesn't encourage us to do it. Based on the scientific research, when we're having our period, most of the minerals in the body will accumulate at the end of our body, which is our hair or nails. Then, when it ends and a new cycle starts, everything will be back to normal. Don't worry ;)

Therefore, if we trim our nails or cut our hair when we're having our period, our precious minerals will be gone :( But then, if you are in a desparate situation, dah terdesak sangat-sangat nak potong kuku atau potong rambut, it's okay to do it. Takda la sampai mati ke, apa-apa ke. Just are you willing to lose your minerals? Noooo, right?

So, how to avoid this impending situation? It is advised that EVERY girls SHOULD have their own period calender. As we all know, our period is a monthly cycle which means that it will happen once a month. We learnt in Form 5 Biology that our menstrual cycle happened in every 28 days. Well, actually the cycle is around 28-36 days. Not everyone is the same.

Hence, when you have a regular cycle and you record it in a calender, you can easily predict when will be your next period. Plan wisely when you're going to do trim your nails okay? :)

Have you ever heard a taboo that when menstruating you are not advised to drink cold water? Why is it so? When you drink cold water, your blood vessels will contract. That's why you are likely to suffer menstrual pain or senggugut. Drink lots of water as water can help to ease your blood flow and hopefully lessen the pain. Girls, don't ever skip breakfast. (A reminder for myself too)  Skipping breakfast may also lead to senggugut. Moreover, make sure you have your meal. Our body needs lots of energy to regenerate the blood lost.

Furthermore, I would highly recommend you (Cheh, macam doktor) to make zikir and istighfar as an obsession as when we're having our period, there's a limitation in performing our 'ibadah such as the solat and Quran recitation. If Allah wills, we will be granted with lots of good deeds :)

Kalau perempuan, 
nak masuk syurga senang je. 
Solat lima waktu, 
Puasa di bulan Ramadhan, 
Menjaga kehormatan diri, 
dan Taat pada suami. 
Wassalam :)

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