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4D3N Chiang Mai trip :)

السلام عليكم Below is the itinerary for our 4D3N Muslim family trip to Chiang Mai last May 2016. We had a private local driver/tour gu...

05 January 2011


This stage was held at Odyssey Hall, Mercu UEM which is very near to the KL Sentral. I went there by the LRT with Nabilah. Then, went we got to KL Sentral, kterg lepak2 kat Burger King with Kelly and Nadz. Yup, I had conquered the KL Sentral!!! First tyme kot. Ak ngan Nabilah dah siap tawaf satu KL Sentral th dah. Then, jalan kaki to the UEM building with some directions by Kelly. (THANX BEB!)
Up, up and away to the 7th floor. There was actually a small reunion between the Hermanas. (although tak sampai 1/10 of the batch pown) Yesterday supposedly ade kat Sunway but really2 sori I couldn’t make it. So, berkumpul la kterang 13 candidates from SSP (supposedly 14 org tp Ms. Hani Amirah couldn’t make it). They are:
1.       Ms. Hanie Farhana Hamdi
2.       Ms. Siti Nabilah Mohd Razib
3.       Ms. Nadzira Mohd Azizan
4.       Ms. Nur Izzati Ahmad
5.       Ms. Hazwani Zaim
6.       Ms. Nurrul Syairah Abd Shukor
7.       Ms. Nur Fatehah Mohd Sukri
8.       Ms. Nurul Fadhilah Syahirah
9.       Ms. Azmin Nur Ahmad Zamri
10.   Ms. Nurulauni ‘Aqilah Saniman
11.   Ms. Aina Farzana Mohd Azmi
12.   Ms. Nur Izzati Amer Hamzah
13.   Ms. Nur Amalina Rashdi
THE TEST: It was conducted in a hall. TECHNOLOGY is prohibited (yea Nabilah?). Maksudnye even calculators pown tak bleh. Semua pakai minda. SPEED and ACCURACY has to be balanced. Sume ade 5 sets. Sume org kne start same2 and habes same2.
A.      Abstract Logical Reasoning; somehow it’s like Maths la, psal sets, Venn Diagrams, you have to know the connections and relations among the subjects

B.      Understanding Logical Reasoning; nh pown macam Maths gak, topic Mathematical Reasoning, all the Ifs and THENs, mmg kne btol2 pham the statements given

C.      Spatial Reasoning; it’s all about the shapes, more less like the puzzle cari the hidden object, this set in about 9 mins je, then TING! TING! Time’s up, rupe2nye ade soklan lagi kat blakng more than 10 questions lg, I didn’t noticed, so tak jawab laa :[

D.      Social Context; this test cool gak la coz you will be a director, you have to arrange the comic pics into a complete story, one story ade 4 pics, tips: just let it be funny but logic

E.       Numerical Reasoning; breaking the codes, you have to know the patterns, just complete the numbers’ sequence
It was supposed to make you feel stress. The thing is just relax and think fast and logic. Klu tak taw, skip je. Proceed to the next questions. Tapi, td before every sets dye akan terangkan how to tackle the questions and let you answer a few question examples. So, takde la cuak sangat.
After dah completed all the 5 sets, a Q&A session was held. A statement was given: The Khazanah will NOT taja for Medic, Pharmacy nor Dentistry, and it’s FINAL! Then, Nadz asked; knowing that I want to pursue Medic, “Hanie, how do you feel?” Hanie answered, “Nadz, ak dtg nh pown nk gi reunion ngan kawan2 ak. Hahahah”. Frankly speaking, I tak target pown dapat Khazanah’s, just trying my luck tyme hantar borang and Alhamdulillah I was selected to the first stage selection. But I don’t think I will proceed to the next stage coz tak jawab habes the 3rd set of tests th. You have to qualify the tertiary standards bru to the 2nd stage.
But, seriously the tests was FUN; tak tipu. Best kot jawab, it’s very challenging and mind-blowing. HAHAHAHA. Mcm jawab Addmaths la tp lagi best :D After test, turun bawah and met Farahin, “Hanie, ko dah membesar!” Haih bdak nh, takde bende laen ke dye nak cakap kat ak. Yea2, ak taw. Name pown duduk kat rumah berminggu-minggu. Ak nh klu blek overnight pown pipi bertambah tembam, inikan pula menetap semula di rumah. Takpe2, kat rumah ak nh dah ade mesin crosstrainer yang bakal ak kerjakan. Siap laa lemak sekalian, akan kumusnahkan!!!
P.S. Dah dapat dah idea utk azam tahun baru 2011 nh (it’s never too late kn?):
Membanteras lemak2 dan (this comes the hard part ) meMAINTAINkan berat badan yang ideal!!! Hope this will come true :D

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