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4D3N Chiang Mai trip :)

السلام عليكم Below is the itinerary for our 4D3N Muslim family trip to Chiang Mai last May 2016. We had a private local driver/tour gu...

22 January 2011

Kisah KUNINGku

“Cuz! Check ur email. Tun Razak interview dis sat!”
Dis sat? same ngan bbq. Gi interview la for experience, bbq bile2 gi.
“Mama, I got the interview for the Tun Razak Leadership Programme. It’s a 2 weeks programme; from 20th Feb till 6th March held in KL and ade camping n homestay and etc.”
“2 weeks? Lamenye. R u sure u want to join? U r going to miss atok’s bday n even ur own bday.”
Pops in my mind: Waa, after 5 years TAK celebrate bday kat rmah, am I sure nk join the programme? 
Seriously, at first I was quite in dilemma. My parents ckp, it’s up to me la nk join or not.  I ask around my frens whether I should join or not. Mostly suruh gi. I googled about the prog, to get a few ideas to help me to decide. I’ve read other people’s blog. Then, dpt idea. Dri ak ssah2 cri blog org, better ak call sndri senior ak yg dah gi. So, I called kak Elinar. (fyi, she joined the 2010 prog)
“Kak Elinar, dis is Hanie. R u free? Can a bother u for a while?”
“Sure dear. Wut is it?”
“Now I’m in dilemma. Can u help me to decide? I was chosen to go to the tun razak’s interview dis sat but I’m not sure whether I should go or not.”
“Waa, congrats. For me, I think u should really, really, really go…”
And the conversation went on and on.
“The best thing is you should really listen to your heart”
OK la. I questioned my heart, and my heart told me to grab it. At least gi for the interview, for the sake of experience. As wut Kak Elinar told me, among many interviews she went, Tun Razak’s and Petronas’s were the toughest. Tp klu ade rezeki dapat la join, klu takde takpe at least dah try. Not many pown yg dapat opportunity nk dtg for the interview, every skol 2 org je candidates.

SAT, Memorial Tun Abdul Razak- Hanie was wearing a YELLOW bju kurung. Her session was supposed to be at 10.30-11.00am but she went there early, really2 early. She arrived approximately at 9.20am. First, at least she could calm herself when she had arrived there. Second, because she wants to give a comforting hug to her cousin, Husnul Muhayya before she went for her interview which was supposed to be earlier than Hanie’s. Wut happened next was the organizer called for the bdak2 Selangor. So, we went upstairs. It was 9.45am and supposedly the candidates for the 1st session (9.30-10.00am) should be in the ‘ROOM’. Every session, 3 candidates. For the first batch, tak ckup org. They asked, “Who has their parents waiting downstairs?” “Hanie’s” “OK. U can go in to the interviewing room, NOW”
Mak datok. Ak antara org 1st yg kne interview. Session ak supposedly 1jam lg kot. Terkjot, mmg terkjot. Tp nk bwat mcm mne? Sooner or later mmg akn msok pown. So, msok je la. It was me, a Chinese gurl from Assunta; Victoria and a Malay girl from Mahamadiah Kajang; Syazwani. Both of them were English debaters, ak sorg je yg self-debating. Act wut they asked was all the same question. Dah jd mcm soalan bocor pown ade.hahhaha.seperti biase they will asked u to tell about urself, wuts ur weakness, wut had u learnt from the activities u joined in skol, wut kind of leader u r, wut can u offer for the prog, etc. They would ask to see ur cert, bg je la.  Pstu they will pick a cert, and ask u wut did u gained; based on ur cert th. Mase current issue mmg our group kne kaw2 la. They will asked questions from ur answer given. Syazwani brought up the issue of Interlok. Pehh! Mmg best gle la kne soal blek. Tiga2 kne soal about the unity and mutual understanding stuffs. Tetibe, “Hanie, wut do u know about 1Malaysia?” Wooo, I thought they will never asked. Nseb pkul 7.43pg td bru je search psl 1Malaysia.hahah.ak pown membantai la.
Btw, yg mcm laen drpd yg laen was dat u really have to listen attentively to wut the other candidates said, coz pastu dye tanye, “wut do u think of Hanie’s experience” or something. Before we wrap up, one of the interviewees (there were 2 persons who interviewed us) said to us, “If u r chosen, I would really encourage u to go. But if not, it’s not the end of the world.” Among my frens who came to the interview were:
Husnul Muhayya (cousin@Headgurl Sri Aman),  
Aina Farzana (Pendebat Bahasa Melayu@Headgurl SSP),
Izleanna (Headgurl SESERI),
Danial Iman (Raluca@tuan rumah BBQ@ English debater SDAR),
Zharif (Swift@English Debater@Batch Leader SMSS),
Haziq Asyraf (Raluca@Public Speaker SDAR), 
Zuheir (Pendebat Bahasa Melayu@Headboy SSAS)
<Mereka sume HEBAT2 belaka>

Kemudian, saya telah mengisi borang UPU. Saya hanya membuat 5 pilihan. Berikut adalah mengikut turutan: UIAM-asasi perubatan, UiTM-asasi sains, UNIMAS-asassi sains hayat (Sarawak best kot, oversea), UIAM-asasi sains kesihatan dan UM-asasi sains hayat.

Then, gi BBQ kat rumah Danial Iman. Klaka gle. Salah masuk kwsn perumahan, nape la developer th letak nme nak dkat same.adoyy.hahaha.kemudian adelah dua org yg berbju KUNING terpakse  membonceng motorsikal untuk menjemput VIP sorang yg dh sesat nh.HAHAHA.terima kaseh~
Oleh sebab Nadzira tidak dapat menghadiri majlis ini, hanya saya sahaja tetamu tunggal dari SSP.  Selebihnya ialah bdak2 SDAR dan SMSS. Sememangnya, bdak2 SDAR amat sombong yea.hahahha.hanya segelintir yg OK. Hal ini demikian (kemungkinan) kerana mereka berasa tergugat dengan kehadiran saya yang lebih terer untuk masak BBQ. Saya juga telah banyak mengarahkan mereka untuk menterbalikkan ayam2 , sotong2  dan lamb serta menyuruh mereka untuk menyapukan butter pada burger. By the end of the day, saya telah menggondol anugerah MASTER CHEF, yeay!!! :D HAHAHAHA.  Terima kaseh juga kpd Assistants saya yang telah byk membantu spt Sein, Afiq, Danial Iman, Hilman, Aiman Sulhi, Shahmi dan lain2 yang saya tidak kenali.
Because I was enjoying myself cooking the BBQ with the heat and chocking smoke, I just ate a cheese tart yg Sein amek kn (trimas Sein!). I was just happy dat I had helped to serve the others. Thanx again DANIAL IMAN for inviting me. Terima kasih daun keladi, next tyme boleh ajak I lg, and dat tyme I’m going to eat, u guys plak jd master chef, OK???

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