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4D3N Chiang Mai trip :)

السلام عليكم Below is the itinerary for our 4D3N Muslim family trip to Chiang Mai last May 2016. We had a private local driver/tour gu...

08 January 2011


So, I went there. OK la. It was quite helpful. Mostly they were the private colleges and universities. There was also a career talk which was the highlight of the event. I went to the Medicine & Dentistry talk. Ntah la. Actually, ak nak je untuk TAK amek Medic. Try gak engineering ke? As I do love Physics. Tp TAK boleh. My heart insists me to do Medic. I don’t know la, it’s just me. Yes, I’m absolutely aware yg Medic is SO tough and challenging. So, you must have the ability to motivate yourselves. But, what’s the fun if life is so easy kn?
You might say bile amek medic you don’t have the time for yourself. As the speakers said, “It’s all about how you manage your time. You say you don’t have time to exercise, but DO have time to watch movie. Even the busiest CEOs DO have time for golf.”
Being a doctor is NOT about monetary reason. Rezeki th ade kat mane2 je. Semua th ujian Allah. Bleh je dye nak test kte dgn kekayaan or kemiskinan. Some of the Medic students have this pop-up in the mind frequently “Knape la ak amek Medic, menyesal gle!”. This is simply because you’re not enjoying it. Ikhlas la. If you visit org yg sakit pown dah BANYAK gle pahala. Nh you nak help to treat people, lg la BANYAK GLE, GLE! If it gets TOO hard, sume th ujian Allah yg nak tgk hamba-Nya sabar. You should be overwhelmed yg Allah remembers you and give you the tests. Semua ade hikmah nye. Allah wants to give you more than you can ever imagine.
For me la kn, I want to do Medic sebab I like to help, meet new people and the SATISFACTORY. The feeling is indescribable. It’s a very noble job. If kite ajar kawan kite, and dye pham the one we thought, and how they really appreciated it, they make us feel really2 appreciated and satisfied. If you bleh tolong selamatkn nyawa org and give them the chance to enjoy the life, the feeling is beyond our expectation. What if kite tak dapat tolong selamatkan? We’ve done our best tp dah ajal. Allah la yg menentukan hidup dan mati.
DEATH. Something yg it’s quite hard to be handle by the docs, tp the family members lg la feel the numb pain. That’s something yg I really need to learn, somehow utk jadi HEARTLESS. Seems too evil huh? Ak nh dah la cepat leleh bile sedih, adoyy. (tp ade tahap2 kesedihan) Kne jadi keras skit. A doc is also an actor/actress somehow. You hide your emotion. You can’t show your tears to your patients when you’re the one who they look up to and you’re the only person who can encourage them to be strong. So, after th bru lah bleh meraung  (ToT)  
In a nutshell, insyaAllah in a few years you can call me Dr. Hanie Farhana. HAHAHA. Alhamdulillah I can decide my mind to do Medic. Still, I’m continuously praying to ALLAH the Almighty to really2 show me the right path for me. Maybe at this instant, I can post that I’m gle2 in love ngan Medic tp what happen next hanye Allah yg tahu, Maha Mengetahui. Prob skrang is nk specialized in ape eh? Akn kupikirkan nanti.
Btw, met a few frens kat sane. Klaka coz Si Raluca pki Purple, Si Dash pki Hijau coincidentally. HAHAHA. Pastu, time kt Suria nak blek, terserempak ngan ZUHEIR, “Weh Zuheir! Ko dah gemuk! HAHAHAHAHA” “Alah, ko pown dah gemook!” Kuang asam nye bdak! Tp kn, you look better when you gain weight, serious TAK TIPU :D

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