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4D3N Chiang Mai trip :)

السلام عليكم Below is the itinerary for our 4D3N Muslim family trip to Chiang Mai last May 2016. We had a private local driver/tour gu...

20 May 2011


Sori to update a bit late, but on the last Wesak Day my friends and I went to watch PAUL at KLCC. I got interested to watch it from the hilarious trailer, like this:

Paul is an alien that has a very bad driving skill. That shows when he crashed his space ship and hit a dog. He was then captured by the Government. There, he helped the government in handling situation related to aliens. If you saw the trailer, Paul is a typical green alien that we usually visualized with the huge head and small skinny body or we can say the as media always visualized to us. MAYBE the aliens DO look like Paul. +_+ And when we are used to the big-head-green-aliens, when the real alien showed up we won’t be so surprised right?

Two comic nerds from London went to USA to pleasure themselves at a comic convention. Then, they had fun sight-seeing to the alien-related places. On the way, they met Paul. Paul had in a way convinced them to help him get back to his family. And the adventure begins XD

FYI, this movie PAUL is rated as 18 movie type. At first I was like WHYYY? Laa, stakat citer pasal alien pown kena 18 above ke? Ben 10 th pown alien gak, budak2 tengok je. Then, when I watched it and finally know the reason. BLUE gle wehh movie th. Lots of cursing and … No worries, there’s no u-know-what-I-mean scene. Sorry for the let down.heheh ;P BTW, it’s a fun movie to watch actually. It’s a sci-fi, adventure and comedy movie. A bit of love story in there. 8/10 :)

While waiting for Nabilah, we went to eat some late breakfast. Dah slalu nampak Bisou Cupcakes depan TGV. So, this time I want to have a taste of it. The best selling would be RED VELVET CUPCAKE (red chocolate with vanilla cheese frosting) and Sarah suggested MORNING CUPCAKE (coffee with coffee frosting). Ohh, yeah. A senior of mine, Kak Sarah Aiman work there with her identical twin, Kak Khadijah. And the best thing was, beside I got to taste the delicious cupcakes (Yumm!), it was for free!!! Kak Sarah belanja, as she told me; first time customer dapat free.hehe THANK YOU KAK SARAH :]


Now, THANK YOU SARAH :D. Sarah belanja us makan at Chilli’s after movie. Though it was about 2.45 pm, still the place was full with eaters. We have to wait for 30 mins for our turn. While waiting, we went inspecting some gadget stores. Sold out, iPAD 2. This is somehow a good sign, at least Malaysian now are tech savvy and can afford something like that. Bagus la kan?

Then, we went back to Chilli’s and still have to wait for our turn. Then, a group of boys when out. Waaait! I know u. We were like, “Eh! Eh!”. Then he just walked away. I was like HUHH? Perlu ke terus pergi macam th je. Ak taw la I was a nobody je kat sekolah rendah dulu. Tak perlu la ko nak malu ngan ak. Taw la ko dapat STRAIGHT 10 A++++s, masuk semua newspapers and TV kan? Tak perlu la bajet terer gle! At least have some courtesy to say hi and how are you, then blah ah! Tapi takde la ak mengamuk kat situ kan? Dah orang tak sudi, nak bwat macam mane :/

I was thankful that I got my Phenomenal, Amazing, and Unlike Ladies (P.A.U.L.) with me. They were Sarah, Nabilah and Nadia. We had an awesome time. Sadly, Pipah can’t go at the last minute. We ate, chat, ate, chat. The food was splendid! Especially the Molten Choc Cake that had hot choc lava inside and freezing vanilla ice cream on top. Yummy!!!

Our day ended with tummy full and dull life coloured with laughter and smiles. ALL THE BEST TO NADIA IN UTP!!! Too bad we can’t watch Nur Kasih together :(

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