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4D3N Chiang Mai trip :)

السلام عليكم Below is the itinerary for our 4D3N Muslim family trip to Chiang Mai last May 2016. We had a private local driver/tour gu...

17 May 2012

16th May 2012 :)

السلام عليكم

Every year we celebrate Teacher's Day on the 16th of May. And yesterday, wasn't an exception.

It had been almost TWO years since we left high school. Our baby juniors are now the accountable seniors at school. How fast they had grown :')

As most of us are having our holidays, why not we go and visit our beloved teachers at SSP. We hoped that the whole batch could came. But not all of us have free time. I just got lucky that I just finished my exams and my Mom allowed my to borrow her car. Thank you Mama :D (Of course there is are a few injunctions I have to adhere such as driving not more than 80 km/h. I try REALLY, REALLY hard to abide Mama's rule.hihiii)

Fetch Nabilah and Pipah from Stadium Bukit Jalil. *Praises to Allah that I entered the right gate and met them straight away. Then, we were off to SSP!

We arrived around 10.15 AM. Took our 1119 cert and met with Cikgu Mona a.k.a Mama Mona! Everyone else was in the hall to listen to Perutusan Hari Guru, live. They even postponed the exam for the day just to watch the broadcast. 'Lucky' them. HAHAHHA. So, we decided to ronggeng  at Alamanda, Putrajaya ;) Ohh, yeah. We even met Syiqin, our Top 5 successor.

It had been ages! since I last went to Alamanda. Sudah sangat berkurun lamanya -.-' Too bad there was something wrong with the air-condition system and we were sweating like what! I would enjoy our time there much better if it was cooler. Anyway, we even got to see and feel the latest Proton Preve.hihii Later, we met Fanad and Azima and headed back to SSP with a Secret Recipe for the teachers :)

Just as we were approaching SSP 's gate, there was a bus stopping near by. "Haa, entah-entah tu diorang yang lain?!" Know what? Memang betul pon! I parked the car, the others were walking in. Purrrfect timing :D

Princesses of Seri Puteri :)

This was not all of us. Ramai lagi yang datang. Too bad there were no pictures of them :( The ones who came was;

1. Hanie (Obviously)
2. Nabilah (Lagi la sangat obvious. Memenuhkan memory card aku.HAHHA)
3. Pipah
4. Fanad
5. Azima
6. Kuyen
7. Wani
8. O'o
9. Pichu
10. Faad
11. Tikhus
12. Munira
13. Tisul
14. Leen
15. Miqa
16. Jeet
17. Fazreen
18. Malin
19. Dan lain-lain. Sorry kalau tertinggal nama -.-'

Dan bermulalah pengembaraan hebat berjumpa dengan guru-guru tersayang :)

We met Bonda. Bonda said my muka dah naik (tembam la tu). I said, "Bonda, dulu kat SSP banyak tangga. Tu yang kurus". Bonda said, "Dulu you work hard. That's why kurus". Hmm, ada betulnya di situ. Hahhaa.

Then, we met Ibu at her room. Oh yeay! We got amanat yang hebat-hebat belaka. "Tu la. Siapa suruh awak jumpa Ibu" Ibu said. Tapi ada betulnya dalam idea-idea Ibu. She suggested that we came back to SSP and give some piece of advice to the adik-adik. Bak kata Ibu, "Baru la adik-adik tak menyesal gosokkan baju awak dulu." LOL. It's a way of giving back to school. Why not kan? I've been thinking about it before. Before, I would really love to have my old seniors to tell their experience outside SSP. So, why not I'm the one who share my experience? InsyaAllah. Akan difikir-fikirkan. So, girls, who's with me? Jom laa ;)

Later, we proceed to the staff room below. Ya Allah, best gila jumpa cikgu-cikgu semua! In the pictures below, Ibu and Cikgu Wan (PJ). Cikgu Wan still ingat aku tak suka PJ dulu. OK, sangat memalukan.hahaha I was Form 1 kot. Now, I like to bersukan. Cikgu tak percaya aku bersukan dan main badminton T.T

With lovely Ms. Ng our F1 teacher. The experinece with her during the competition was MARVELLOUS!!! Next with young-looking Geography teacher, Cikgu Datin. A very comel teacher.hihii Then with our tactful Addmaths teacher, Cikgu Nik. With another appealing Addmaths teacher cum Disciplinary teacher, Cikgu Syira and sweet Maths teacher, Cikgu Maimunah. The active Sports teacher, Cikgu Ati with the superb basketballers. Pipah with her beloved chess teacher. And, Ustaz Husaini Nabilah ;)

Our beloved teachers :)

Among the new things in SSP was the renovation of our Koperasi. Glass door beb! Lawa. Then they put this display cabinet in front of the library. Some of the award are there. They even exhibited our F1 cars! Cool gilaaa! Terharu pon ada. Bangga? Mestilah! XD Our hard work is paid off, Alhamdulillah :)

Library & diplay. Koop. DASH SSP ^.^

We also missed our class, 5 Pintar :'( During the visit, some of our juniors were there. They told us that instead of 30 students for P & U class, it is now 35 students. So, less students in T, E, R & I. And, you know what? Sekarang guna meja baru kot! Tapi tak best sebab meja tu rendah sikit. Bak kata Pipah, "Susah nak tido". HAHAHHA

Top floor. New desk. Kelas terbersih. Tido as always :P

The Transformation XD

Haaaaa, ni macam jealous sikit yea. Taw tak? Diorang ada vending machine baru. Dah la murahhhh! Twister dalam botol RM 2, air tin RM 1 je! Murah kkooootttt! Mana nak dapat harga macam tu kat luar. Mestilah kitorang beli, haus kot time tu.huhuuu

Kami pon duduk, lepak-lepak kat meja senior block sambil menikmati air tin seringgit satu yang dibelanja Pipah. Timing was just nice because as we were sitting there, the kids were on their way to class. Sekarang kelas ada break untuk lunch and solat Zohor pukul 1 then sambung balik P & P macam dulu. Then, we met the juniors, say hi, borak-borak. Best gilaa! Then took some pictures with them. Really hope they'll do well in their studies and their life. Enjoy the life in SSP while it last! ;)

Eton. Oli. Jeje. Ayub. Aina Farzana (OK, TAK. Tu adik Aina, Dibah). Wan <3
Alhamdulillah, everything went smoothly. We even send Azima and her Mom home safely. As our tummy was protesting hungry, we headed back to KL and had a lunch at Wangsa Walk. A lunch at 4 PM. It was damn tiring alright. But it was freaking AW-SUHM!!! We didn't had the opportunity to bring any presents for the teachers, sadly to say. But hopefully our presence was the present that had brighten the teachers' day as they had enliven ours.

It had also been a great day being with my dearest friends and sisters. There had been lots of cam-whoring to express our talent in making faces.hihii Thanks girls!

16th May is also my Grandma's birth date and she was a teacher! How cool is that?

Happy Teacher's Day
 to all the teachers in the whole world,
 especially teachers of SSP.
 We LOVE you!
 Thank you.
Also, Happy 70th birthday to Nenek!
Semoga dipanjangkan umur dan sihat selalu.
Wassalam :)

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