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14 May 2012

Learning landscape in UIA #Medic

السلام عليكم

Well, I supposed doing medic foundation in UIA isn't as hard as others especially IB. The easiest maybe :B 

WHY? Not because we can easily get As, but because we usually take only 2 core subjects in one semester. The core subjects are Biology, Chemistry, Physics & Mathematics.

When we talk about UIA, of course there's Arabic. Some of us will freak out when they need to learn Arabic. 
Habis la aku, kena belajar Arab kat UIA. 
Habis la. 
Kantoi la aku. 
Fail la macam ni.
Chill, chill. Learning Arabic isn't that  hard. You just need to pass the test. Your Arabic result won't affect your pointer. No worries. Moreover, we have a bunch of great Ustaz and Ustazah here to teach the language of Jannah :)

And, we can have more time to study for the 2 core subjects, that's a relief. But then, when you have too much time, you tend to procrastinate right? -.-' So, balance is very important ;)

But the BEST part about UIA is they emphasize on the Islamization. Learning about our own religion, Islam is a dynamic process, it is something continuous. It doesn't stop when we graduated from high school. 

And, when we learn something, we will always relate it with Islam. For example, when we write a lab report, we have to reflect it based on hadith and Quranic verses. At first, I have to admit it was quite tough. I still remember that my Mom offered to buy me a buku hadis. No need for that actually, we have Mr. Google remember?hhahaha :P

Alhamdulillah, I really learn a lot here. Just bear in mind that the knowledge we are learning is a limited knowledge. Only Allah possessed the absolute knowledge.

Just a tiny bit
of the learning landscape in UIA
based on my experience and humble opinion.
Experience it yourselves.
Sharing is caring.
Wassalam :)


  1. Sis... nak tanya. If pointer 3.5+ or 3.6+ lepas tak masuk uia degree untuk medic?

    1. pointer drpd uia or matriks? however tak sure skrg macam mana. policy mcm selalu berubah. boleh tanya academic affairs uia for further info :)


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