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4D3N Chiang Mai trip :)

السلام عليكم Below is the itinerary for our 4D3N Muslim family trip to Chiang Mai last May 2016. We had a private local driver/tour gu...

23 February 2012


السلام عليكم

First of all, who knows what kind of KRRRINGGGG! I'm talking about? (Raise  up your hand!)

Usually it's the sound of house phone's right? But then, even mobile phones nowadays have that kind of ringtone, agree?

The KRRRINGGGG! I'm going to tell you is the fire drill's KRRRINGGGG!

It happened last night when I was in 45.8 % level of stress doing Physics, approximately around 12.30 AM.


First of all, definitely we have this sort of uncertainties whether it's a REAL fire evacuation or an ordinary fire drill or just testing the bell. Who knows right?

We thought it was just a test on the bells because we also heard KRRRINGGGG! the night before.

So, we waited and waited. The sound continues. "Eh, awat lama sangat bunyi loceng ni?"

Haa, cuak. Tak cuak. 

Then, my friend said, "Eh, fire drill la. Diorang dah panggil dah kat bawah"

Haa, cuak. Tak cuak.

Seriously I went panic! Fire drill je pon kan? -.-'

Haa, cuak. Tak cuak.

Kelam-kabut nak tukar baju. Nasib la sini UIA. Ada la jubah boleh sarung gi bawah. Nasib tudung tak kedut mana. Lipat tiga, pakai. Memang 'LAWA' gila tudung aku =_________=

Tetiba ter'excited' nak fire drill. Tak pernah-pernah nak fire drill kat CFS ni. Bila lagi kan? 

Yang penting daripada cuak jadi excited. Muahahhaaha XD

Lepas dah sampai bawah, nampak Madam. Tetiba cuak balik. Berlari-lari anaklah aku gi Assembly Point.

Tengah hari tu baru je buat spot check untuk Matric card. Malam fire drill, untung laaa.

Kat bawah tu ada la beberapa Pak Cik Bomba sedang menuggu dengan setia. 

Kami pon beratur ikut Hisbah (grup). Ada yang pegang sepanduk nama Hisbah, kami pon beratur la kat belakang. 

Saya Hisbah Rufaydah! :D

Memandangkan Mahallah/Hostel kami berdepan dengan Mahallah lelaki, mamats itu pon menjadi excited gak.  Dalam gambar di atas bangunan tersebut ialah Mahallah Abu Bakar (Male). 

Tapi agak segan la. The guys semua pergi kat tingkap tengok kami. Bilik mana yang tadi dah gelap, cerah semula -_-'


Tak tahu nak describe bunyi tu macam mana. Tapi sebenarnya tu bunyi Lori Bombaaaa! Lagi la kami semua termasuk yang lelaki tadi tu excited. Wahahahahahaaa.

Fire engine :D

Time tu jugak call Kelly. Hi Kelly. Aku rindu kau. Keyh Baaiii.

The Pak Cik Bomba light up a small fire and teaches us how to use the fire extinguisher. The best part was when he try to put the fire off with water, the fire roared stronger! Yalah, he used petrol to light up the fire. When you add water, which consist of Hydrogen and Oxygen, the oxygen from water will help the combustion.

So, I was proud to say one of my roommate had become the volunteer to demo out the right way to put off the fire. Though she took the most time to succeed compare to the others. Hihihi. The best way for you to put of the fire is by swaying the nozzle of the extinguisher towards the fire. Nevertheless, she look hot in those Bomba's jacket! *wink! ;)

After it ended, I insisted my friend to get a picture beside the red fire engine. I didn't expect her to accept my invitation.hahah As a result, we captured a nice picture as a memorabilia and ended up talking to this one Pak Cik Bomba. He had just joined the rescue team for ONLY 16 years! It's nearly the age of us!

Clockwise; Hanie, Ayunni, Pak Cik Lan.

Among the tips was;

1. If there are fire on the pan you're cooking, 'suffocate' the fire by covering the pan with a piece of wet cloth. 

2. If you don't know how to turn off the fire, just call the expert to do it

Okay, there's more than that. But that is what I can list up to this point. And, tip No. 2 does says it all :)

"Doesn't Mean I'm Lonely When I'm Alone"
-Kelly Clarkson
Take care yaww!
Happy belated birthday to Aina Farzana
Wassalam :)

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