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12 February 2012

Memorizing Quranic Ayyah

السلام عليكم

Disclaimer: I am NOT a hafizah nor an expert to tell you the fastest and easiest way to memorize ayyah. 

I do know a few people from UIA (previously studying in Darul Quran) who had memorize the whole Quranul Karim. I am so mesmerize by them. (Terrer nyahh!)

Frankly, I have complications in memorizing some ayyah. Do you remember during the time back in school, SPM require you to remember a few line from a particular surah and to read it out loud to your ustaz/ustazah? I will always be the last one to read it out.hihii

Everybody makes it look so simple. They will memorize so fast and done with it in a blink! And, it took me double, triple time or more time than them. Alhamdulillah, I did memorize it AFTER being 'threatened' by my ustazah. HAHAHHA :D

Now, I am taking this subject that every CFS students must take. It is called Basic Themes of Al-Quran or BTQ. For this subject I have to memorize Suratul Furqan verses 61-77. Yes, a total of 12 Ayyah or one and a half page at one go. 

We're been given more than half a month to memorize it. Our lecturer emphasizes on 'One Day, One Ayyah'. It seems possible kot. Then he added, "If you can memorize Justin Bieber's song in 30 minutes, why can't you memorize one ayyah in a day?"

That was ouchieee! I can sing along to more than one of JB's song -.-'

I realize that I can actually memorize songs very well., better than I memorize the ayyah :( Astaghfirullahalazim. 

I can even catch what they are singing just by listening. I thought it's normal. Actually, not all can memorize a song just by listening. If I were so tired to study in the late afternoon, I'll chill out by listening to a song and try to make out the words they're singing. Weird huh? HAHA.

So, the journey begins. Beriyer la aku dok menghafal ayat tu on the first day. By the end of  the week, only 2 ayyah. Then, I got 'busy' with this and that. Before I know it, our lecturer wants us to do Tasmi' by this week. And, I only done with 3 ayyah, how's that?! (Tasmi' is an act of reading your memorization in front of someone, sort of memperdengarkan)

To add some hot sizzle, this week I got both Maths and Physics test. Fuuhhh! 

Alhamdulillah, after remembering some tips from my previous ustazah  to memorize ayyah by dividing it into bits and repeating it over and over, Allah had given me the privilege to paste his magnificent words inside my head. Alhamdulillah again. Also thank youuu to friends that helped. Jasamu ku kenang :)

Saturday morning, went through with my Tasmi'. Everything goes well though there were major minor flaws here and there during my Tasmi'. 

Yes, I feel proud. Well, I'm not that proud, like peacock proud. I'm just proud that Allah has chosen me. Easy to say, I'm soooooooooooo thankful and grateful. 

Istiqamah is important. I hope that they will stay there FOREVER.

The biggest room on Earth is
Room for Improvement.
Make a room in your life for improvement.
Wassalam :)

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