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السلام عليكم Below is the itinerary for our 4D3N Muslim family trip to Chiang Mai last May 2016. We had a private local driver/tour gu...

17 March 2012

Jubah is My New Uniform ;)

السلام عليكم

Jubah is my new love. I love wearing jubah! It is super easy!

Especially during the times that I was being sooo lazy to get into a proper attire (which happens a lot of time.hehs) 

While wearing your t-shirt and colourful seluar tidur you can just sarung your jubah and wahlaa, your done! You can now go and buy dinner downstairs and get your tummy filled :D

Remember, just one step! SARUNG!

In brown jubah, right.

In purple jubah, right.

In turquoise jubah, left.

Oh yes! When we go to classes/lectures, it is compulsory to wear baju kurung or jubah with tudung of course. Plain tudung without patterns. We CAN'T wear casual blouses or checkered shirt or jeans as other institutions might do. I prefer it this way, lebih sopan. You are going to gain knowledge, not going shopping or something.huhuu

It is okay for me as I am used to wear baju kurung to prep back in SSP. No harm. Tak panas pon pakai baju kurung. Wangi je.hahah

Before entering SSP, the only time to wear baju kurung would be during Hari Raya or majlis orang kahwin or kenduri-kendara. In SSP, it had become a norm to wear baju kurung as we wore it everyday to preparation class.

But then, jubah is such a new thing for me. My mom has a lot of jubah that were bought from Saudi, most of it. But she rarely wears it because she prefer baju kurung to work. So, she let me wear her jubahs to class in UIA. Thank youuu Mama <3

Here in UIA, we have a rule that you have to wear either baju kurung or jubah to go out/in the campus. I kalau balik campus memang sarung jubah je la. Jubah dah jadi macam baju outing.hahha Senang taw! Selesa pon ya.

It reminds me about the days back in school where we have to wear this yellow shirt whenever we go out of school or when coming in. When people saw us, they will say, "Eh, budak Digi!" Fine, tahu la baju kuning, tapi tak payah nak Digi sangat la kan -.-'

Baju outing SSP

We can consider ourselves lucky because our outing outfit is a t-shirt. Other schools' outing outfit is usually baju batik. I can't imagine ironing baju batik every time I wanna go out +____+

For this post, I wanted to add a picture of our baju outing. Tried to find in Facebook album. None. Friends' album, none. I mean, mentang-mentang dah habes sekolah, gambar baju outing pon takda.hahah (My gambar baju outing in the CDs. Malas nak ambil)

So, how did I find one? Such a easy trick. What's the purpose you have juniors in your friends list right? Muahahahaa. Thank you for the picture :P

Surah Al-Azhab, Ayyah 59
"Wahai Nabi,
  katakanlah kepada isteri-isterimu,
 anak-anak perempuanmu dan perempuan-perempuan beriman;
 melabuhkan pakaiannya bagi menutup seluruh tubuhnya (semasa mereka keluar),
 cara itu lebih mudah untuk mereka
 dikenali (sebagai  perempuan baik).
 Dan ingatlah,
 Allah adalah Maha Pengampun lagi Maha Penyayang."
Wassalam :)


  1. tak payah nk budak digi sngt la kan~ ;)
    'coretan' di akhir post, ambil sebagai ibrah, koreksi diri.
    Jazakillah. :)

    1. Alhamdulillah. Afwan.
      Aku pon tengah koreksi diri, minda dan jiwa.
      Masih dalam perjalanan, destinasi masih jauh.
      Slowly, but surely :)


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