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السلام عليكم Below is the itinerary for our 4D3N Muslim family trip to Chiang Mai last May 2016. We had a private local driver/tour gu...

25 March 2012

SMAC 2012

السلام عليكم

Sports and Martial Arts Carnival (SMAC) 2012 was held at CFS, IIUM. Sorry I don't have much details.

What I do know is that I had joined the opening ceremony last Wednesday, 21st March 2012. I was quite interested to come and watch because I have a few friends going to perform that night. But then, I felt a bit malas and plan too study Physics instead. (what a nerd huh?)

Then, while I was having dinner with roomies, got a call from Kelly saying that Azima (our batch-mate from SSP) is coming all the way from Gombak campus. The thing is, Kelly got quiz the next day and the others didn't have the time privilege to accompany Azima around the campus. So, okay then. Hanie was free and made up her mind to attend the opening ceremony :)

Met Azima at Ali Bistro with Shy (SSP) and Atikah (roomie, non-SSP.hihi). There, we're literally the only girls in the bistro. What do we care about the boys. We found a spot, and did what SSPians do best; borak.hahaha

Azima told us that once, at Gombak campus, someone asked her, "Eh, Azima. Kau vice headgirl SSP eh?" No, Azima wasn't. She burst out laughing when she heard it. I wonder who was SSP's vice headgirl? :P

Anyway, after dinner, we headed to the field. Oh, by the way. I didn't know that the ceremony was in the field. I thought it was at the hall -.-'

We had bunch of fun. The two of us, and the other girls around us. There were the march by the martial arts and later the demonstrations. It was actually a competition between them.

My friend, Syida was in the Karate Do team. Mann, I missed Karate. I had join it back when I was in school. She and her friends had broke a one each plank with their bare hand. (Wow!) Did you know that when you broke plank, it is equivalent to break someone's nose?! :O

The last performance was from the Capoeira group. Capoeira is a martial arts that combines music and dance. That time, the field was chock-a-block with people wanting to see the performance. I mean, it's not an everyday scenery to see someone Capoeira-ing. My friend, Amy just joined the team last sem and can now do all those Cartwheel, Bridge, and other things that a gymnast could do. How cool is that?!

Capoeira; a bit of music, dance and defense.

Lepak-ing with Azima realy brings back the fond memories back in SSP. Ohh, those time was out of this world! I miss hanging out with the girls, screaming our hearts out while watching performance, attending to the events at school; Talent Night, Hari Koku, MAC, Sports' Day, Teachers' Day, and of course everyday we have in SSP. Sigh. Those day definitely aren't coming again, sobs :'(

Bila dekat UIA sangat
berbeza dengan kat SSP dulu.
Dulu, boleh terpekik-pekik
 sampai hilang suara,
very unlady-like -.-'
Sekarang, lebih sopan yea?hahha
Wassalam :)

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