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السلام عليكم Below is the itinerary for our 4D3N Muslim family trip to Chiang Mai last May 2016. We had a private local driver/tour gu...

19 January 2012

Say CONGRATS to Hanie!

السلام عليكم

Oh yes! Say congrats to me!

Awat? Awat nak cakap congrats kat hang? 
Apa yang hang dah achieved? Hebat sangatkah?

Hang dapat jadi best student?
Hang dapat 4 flat untuk exam ke?
Hang menang apa-apa pertandingan?
Hang dapat jadi olahragawati terbaeekk eh?
Tak jugak? Aku taw. Hang dapat turunkan 5kg berat badan kan?
-.-' TAK.
Semalam aku gi dengar talk ilmiah kat AMF~ *AMF stands for Al-Malik Faisal Hall
Laa, itu pon nak kecoh. Piraaaahh!

Alaaa. Ni first time kot aku gi dengar talk ilmiah cenggini ni kat UIA. Before ni aku nak pergi, tapi hati tu rasa berat sangat nak pergi. No, bukan rasa berat hati, tapi more to tak rela :(

Aku pon tak tahu kenapa. Tapi memang susah sangat. Kalau ada apa-apa talk, roomates aku mesti rajin sangat nak pergi. Bagus. Aku kagum dengan mereka. Nanti balik talk mereka akan share dengan aku. Aku rasa bertuah ada mereka. Namun, di suatu sudut hati, aku tahu aku cemburu dengan banyaknya ilmu yang mereka perolehi. Tapi aku tak tahu kenapa, memang aku tak boleh nak pergi. Nak buat alasan apa pon aku tak tahu.

Masalah ini aku usulkan kepada rakan-rakanku semasa our day out kat KLCC on the 1st January 2012. Sarah beriya tanya, WHY? I don't know Sarah. But I think it is a sort of rebel. My bad. No one else to blame but myself. 

1st January 2012 <3

Then Nadia said, Hanie, kadang-kadang keikhlasan tu datang daripada keterpaksaan

Ya Allah, memang ouch gle! Menusuk ke kalbu. That's the words I need. So, I know my 2012 resolution then. Mengikhlaskan diri melalui keterpaksaan. Sounds weird, but it does work for me.

It was a HUGE step for me. Gratefully I got some friend who are interested to hear the talk too. Yeaahh, that kinda help. Buat something secara berjemaah ;)

So, I do deserve a pat on the back kan? *wink! wink! :D

Ok la. Bagus Hanie, bagus. CONGRATS!!!! :)

Yesterday was a talk by Ustaz Muhammad Shaari Abdul Rahman. He's the writer of 'Kuasa Kepemimpinan Al-Fateh' and 'Berfikir Cara Al-Fateh'.

So, siapakah Al-Fateh yang dikatakan itu?

Al-Fateh, atau nama sebenarnya Sultan Muhammad bin Al-Fateh merupakan pemuda yang telah membuka kota Konstantinople dengan mengetuai pasukan tentera seramai 150,000 pada usia 21 tahun! HEBAT gle kot!

Terdapat 29 percubaan nak tawan kota Konstantinople (Istanbul), 12 percubaan daripada para Sahabat. Semuanya menemui kebuntuan. Akhirnya, Muhammad Al-Fateh menjadi insan yang dipilih oleh Allah untuk membuka kota yang kuat itu.

Why is it so hard to conquer Constantinople? One of the factor was that it has a really high, strong walls and 'berlapis-lapis'. Mind you, dulu takdak bom nuklear lagi lorh.

Kubu Konstantinople

Why do they want to conquer Constantinople? I'm so sorry that I'm really not the expert to tell you. But I know that it has to do with Rasulullah's hadith. So, grab one of Ustaz Shaari books to know more about it ;)

The book mentioned :)
How on earth Muhammad Al-Fateh ni boleh jadi hebat gle kan? 

Among his habits that we should practice:

1. Be POSITIVE (The Law of Impression), he never give up though the possibilities to conquer Constantinople seems very impossible. 
2. Be PROACTIVE (The Law of Execution), he had disguised to do investigation inside the fort. When you know yourself and your enemy; you'll WIN!
3. Clear vision (The Law of Attraction)
4. Synergy (The Law of Teamwork)
5. Thinking out of the box (The Law of Creativity)
6. Integrity (The Law of Influence)
7. Tawakkal (The Law of Commitment)

I really like how he think. Very creative and witty, full of strategy and energy. He really READS a lot, which also lead to his victory. The victory is not a work of one man but mainly the hard work of the whole team that made it all happen.

There's much more to be shared. InsyaAllah later in my upcoming post :)

I want to congratulate
 for her proud achievement.
 You go girl!
congratulations to YOU too
who are reading this.
I might not know who you are,
 what you had succeed,
but I do know
 you need that CONGRATS too :D
Till then,
take care!
Wassalam :) 


  1. Yea.
    Peringkat ibadah ada banyak,Hanie.

    Mula-mula jalan 'terpaksa',terkadang lalu jalan riya',ada jugak lalu jalan 'menunjuk-nunjuk'. Tapi kalau sedar yang peringkat ibadah itu ada banyak, maka kita tahu kita sedang drive ke arah keikhlasan. Dan driver untuk sampai keikhlasan cuma satu:iman yang menyebabkan kita sentiasa rindu kepada Allah.

    Jangan 'pandu' laju-laju sebab nanti bila dah sampai destinasi, terus rasa lelah. Drive slow-slow, and yakin, inilah jalan yang Allah sentiasa pelihara.

    Insha-Allah! Eventually kan,boleh senyum ingat balik journey yang kita lalui tadi sepnjang 'jalan' yang dah dilalui. InshaAllah, Insha-Allah.


    p/s:you shouldnt fear needle?! :b

    1. Waalaikumussalam Lisya! :D

      Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
      That are the only words that I can afford to offer to you.

      Yes, slowly but surely. Allah is showing me something Lisya. He ask me to stay so that I can learn more about Him, and maybe learn something from you too. (Hey, I learn a lot from you taw! :D)

      He is great, that's why He's the Almighty right?

      This is a such an astounding reminder. Thank you again dear friend :)

      p.s.: i'm not afraid of needle. they're fun! :D i'm only afraid of them when they are on me.haha

      p.s.p.s.:take care lisya :)


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