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4D3N Chiang Mai trip :)

السلام عليكم Below is the itinerary for our 4D3N Muslim family trip to Chiang Mai last May 2016. We had a private local driver/tour gu...

01 February 2011

DIY in progress

I looked around me. Hmm, my bedroom looks dull la; it needs a make-over. Before this I didn’t get much tyme to decorate my bedroom as I spend most of my tyme at skol. Klu my bilik and KELLY kat skola dulu, cun ohhh. Very colourful bedsheets and carpets, mcm2 dh kterg tampal kat dinding. Our room very meriah, yet very cozy. Kterg ade byk binatang peliharaan. Ade kura2, anjing, Barbie, pinky- love2, setan-gendut and pinky-bday-teddy. 

So, nak bwat pe ngan my bedroom? Rase macam nak cat je bilik, tp macam malas and leceh la. Nk psg wallpaper? Baek ak spend dwit th utk bende laen. Since I’m currently unemployed and not yet a college student, I have LOTS of tyme. Kadang2 smpai mati akal nak bwat pe kat rmah. Haih.
Yess! Got an idea. Ade dis one bag yg pnuh ngan brochures which I got from the EDU FAIR kat KLCC tempoh hari. Daripada buang begitu saja, saya akan menggunakannya untuk sesuatu yang berfaedah dan utk menjadi seorg yg environmental friendly.hahaha. I’m going to make my own DIY curtain-blinds from it. Sbnrnye dapat idea tyme pegi INDONESIA last year-it’s a skol trip. We visited stu tempat yg they make pretty stuff from brg2 terbuang. The curtain-blinds I’ve mention is as pic below:

Cik Nabilah, silalah berasa BANGGA krn anda telah menjadi MODEL dalam blog sy  ;)

Disebabkan AINA FARZANA suruh saya tulis psl diri beliau di blog saya ini, saya tetbe dah dpt idea nk tules psl pe. Buat pengetahuan anda semua, peristiwa yang bakal sy ceritakan ini telah berlaku di Yogyakarta, Indonesia sepanjang Program Pengantarabangsaaan Sekolah Seri Puteri 2010. SEMUA org, daripada f2, f3, f4, f5 dan termasuk cg2 berasa sangat IRI HATI dgn beliau. Hal ini kerana ketika membeli-belah, beliau telah dapat membeli sesuatu brg dgn harga yg SANGAT murah. Gle la. Sememangnye beliau sangat terer dlm bargain harga. Apabila ditemu ramah tentang bagaimana beliau menjadi sgt terer dlm bab2 bargain harga, beliau memberitahu kami bhw beliau mengadaptasikan skill2 ayahandanya yang sering kali dilihat beliau. For me, she is a born businesswoman la. 

Sincerely from my heart; thanx gle coz ko banyak tolong ak dlu2. I’ve learnt a lot from u. Sorry klu ak kdg2 ak menjadi assistant yg tak berguna utk ko. Semua th kelemahan ak. Ak rindu ngan lawak pisang kat high table. Ko ialah antara org plg ‘pisang’ ak pnah jumpe. HAHAHAHA. I hope at u’ll be strong facing the years ahead. Klu dah ‘ikat’ nnt jgn lupe bg taw ak yea. Ak pegang janji ko utk kterg bwatkn  wedding theme DASH klu ko kawen ngan  **S.  Ohh, ak maseh ingat essay LOVE ko yg dibace in front of the whole set A, vey touching. Plg best part ANNIE ngan NASH. Hehehhe. Thanx sebab ko tlg calm me down after incident lift kat BRISDALE dlu. Kat BRISDALE jgak ade incident blakng langsir dan ‘ting tong’ dprd phone SE kaler merah. HAHAHAHA. 

Teringat tyme gi Kursus KP & PKP dlu kat STF, ko tak hbes2 mengulangi ayat2, “YANG DIPERTUA, …. TERANG LAGI BERSULUH” (sori la ak dah xingat dah ayat2 debate ko th, though ko berulang kali mengulanginya.hhaha). Dat shows dat u r so hardworking in order to be the best. Ur Captain should be proud of u. Tp biase la ade je sumthing yg xbtol dgn ape yg kte bwat. Skola dlu mmg stressful kn Nana? But we’ve gone through it like a PRO. Klu ko bleh lalui hidup kat SSP as a TOP 5 esp u as a HEADGURL, world outside should be a piece of cake. Whatever happens, I’ll always support u from behind. Dah rmai dah yg can be beside u, tak payah la ak nk menyebok. So ak support ko dri blakng je la, dri jauh. But, always bear in mind, ALLAH will always be with us and ALLAH knows the BEST for us.
I noe u like dis shirt, all the way from org naek motor langgar ***I.hehe


  1. dear khalida,
    ak slalu kot mention ko dlm post ak.hahaaha
    tp xpe, ko follow je la blog nh,
    bile tiba mase nye ade la post psl ko :D


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