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4D3N Chiang Mai trip :)

السلام عليكم Below is the itinerary for our 4D3N Muslim family trip to Chiang Mai last May 2016. We had a private local driver/tour gu...

07 March 2011

sudah 18 laa :)

10.25pm // 4march2011//dewanserbagunapulautuba
Frankly speaking, did feel a bit sad tyme watching the performance by the local people; there were silat, traditional dances, a sketch by the makcik2 (with their high pitch voices), a sketch by the boys of PKTR (including Mak Cik Julian), and choir by all PKTRians.
11.40pm//4 march2011 //dewanserbagunapulautuba
Got some refreshment. Borak2 with Aina, Marsha, Zuheir, Hamman, and the crying Li Shing. Then,
Aina: HANIEEE! Happy bday! Ak org first wish, yeay! -tyme th blom pkul 12 pown =_=*
Hanie: Blom lg laaa
Aina: Takpe, jam ak ckp dah.
Hanie: Fine laa. Thank youuu AINAAAA!
11.57pm//4march2011// dewanserbagunapulautuba
Announcement for sume org gi ke depan. Marsha, Zuheir, Li Shing and Hamman terus melompat gi dpan. Alah, malasnye nak bgun.huhu Tetibe, dgr suara Idzri from the speakers “HAPPY BIRTHDAYYY TO YOU! HAPPY BIRTHDAYYY TO HANIEE….!” And everyone joined; even all the mak cik and pak cik of Pulau Tuba. My newest friends th pown dtg and kerumun me. FIRST tyme in my life people sang to me Happy Birthday in 4 LANGUAGES! No words can describe my feelings tyme th except for keTERHARUan yg melampau. I told myself not to cry on my 18th bday, but my friends were so adorably sweet. I burst in tears when Hamman sang to me lagu Kau Ilhamku. Then, Aiman sang to me this lagu persahabatan. Rakesh sang a Bollywood song, duhh~ They even sang the LALALU and UlatBulu song, lead by Aiman.
Ohh yea, tyme th saya mmg tgh meraung menangis di pangkuan Aina sbb terharu sgt ngan mereka2. Thanx u guys :DDD Really appreciate it.
Hana was the 1st to give me da bday gift, a handmade red rose from ribbon, very well-made and pretty. Thanx Hanaaa!
Then, Fuad got me a fish shape Bahulu (it was our supper) and pretended that it was a bday cake. I blew the imaginary candle after making a wish. He then sumbat it to my mouth. Thanx Fuadddd! But u really need to learn to be more gentle laa.hahahah
Oleh sebab hari th Aina dpt kopi kat Hotel Putra, ak pown nak jgak.hahha Oleh sebab kat situ takde kopi, Azri pown bg air oren dalam cawan plastik yg disediakan kat blakang.hahaha Although tak dpt rase air kopi Azri bwat, air oren pown jadi la. Thanx Azriiiii!
I got lots of bday hugs and wishes from Aina, Husnul, Marsha, Aiman, Zuheir, Paan, Idzri, Hamman, Azri, Rakesh, Ahmad, Adam, Sonia, Fuad, Li Shing, Hana, Aiza, Mirabel, Thanu, Vincent, Luzud, Ee-lin, Julian dan ramai lg. Sori klu I didn’t mention u guys’ names. I really do appreciate it. Thanx PKTRians and Nash!
I then checked my phone, Oli was the first to wish me. Followed by Nabilah, Haziq, Nadia, Pipah, Kak Elinar, Hana, Kelly, Nadz. Thanx u guys :D
That particular morning we had a program with the kids of Sek. Keb. Pulau Tuba. We had to teach them English. It was so cool, on my bday, I had the opportunity to give to others despite of just receiving. Mama pown called and wished bday. Alif pown wished jgak :]
It was the tyme to bid goodbye to our keluarga angkat and went to WESTIN HOTEL on boat. We did our rehearsals a few tymes. We had our lunch at the rumah angkat and my mak serve pineapple jus which was delicious! Oleh sebab sy nh lupa diri yg sy ade gastric, sy telah minum dgn byknye. Sy pown terkena gastric attack on my bday :/ teruk la jgak. But, really2 terharu yg people was so concerned bout me. I recovered after eating a few pieces of biscuits.
Abg Ayaz pown sampai and we had to perform in front of him. Later, he gave some comments. “Where is Hanie? Stand up please.” Pahal la plak nh. Ak taw la kdg2 ak salah steps. Tp takkan la kne bgun sorg2. Ish, cuak gle. “When she performed td, she really2 enjoyed it. And when she smiled, it lit up the whole room. Now, smile Hanie, show it to the rest of your friends. This is how you guys should smile.” Awwwh, terharu gle :’) Then sorg ckp, “It’s her bday, dats why laa”. Abg Ayaz, “So, everybody must think as it is their bday too, and Happy Bday Hanie.” Thanx Abg Ayaz.
That night we had a dinner where we had to perform. It was GREAT! We practiced a lot and the result was superb! After dinner ended, we had to gather up on the stage. Sume mcm cuak la jgak. Abg Ayaz pown berceramah la, “Discipline is very important, I said bout it from the beginning lg dah. The names that I’ll be calling please stand up. Aina Farzana, Hanie Farhana,…” In my mind, ape la yg ak bwat ngan Aina? Kterang berdua ade gi dating ngan sape2 ke? Kterang dtg lmbat ke? Org laen lg lmbat. Rupa2nye, “Happy Bdayy to you,…” Surprise! Hahaha. Though sebenarnye dah bleh agak coz 4 org yg kne berdiri th sume clbrate bday tyme PKTR.
Bday ak dah hbes tp xde org bg hadiah pown :’(
BUT, ade org bg hadiah juz lmbat skit je. Husnul gave me a card and a really cool mug. Idzri gave a cute koala bear. Zuheir gave Daim. Hamman gave Cadbury. Aiman blanje tiket from KLIA to KL Sentral. Paan blanje McD.
Seriously, this is the MOST memorable bday I ever had. Although I was somewhere in a place that I’ve never been to, it was never a dull moment being 18 beside such awesome friends :D

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